Necessity is the mother of invention - not sure who said that, but I do remember an old School House Rock video about it, so it must have been someone important. When it comes to fitness products, it seems like there are new inventions almost every week for workout equipment that promise to deliver results with no efforts.
What does it take to get a piece of equipment from concept to market? In this day and age of social media, is it possible to bring a new product to market with a relatively minimal market
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Necessity is the mother of invention - not sure who said that, but I do remember an old School House Rock video about it, so it must have been someone important. When it comes to fitness products, it seems like there are new inventions almost every week for workout equipment that promise to deliver results with no efforts.
What does it take to get a piece of equipment from concept to market? In this day and age of social media, is it possible to bring a new product to market with a relatively minimal market

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