The strongest muscle in the body is often overlooked by most exercise programs. Spending hours a week in the gym can make muscles strong, yet it is the brain and the thoughts it generates that determine what you are able to achieve. Emotions and feelings affect performance in all areas of life; mindset is so powerful that it can be the difference between achieving success and becoming stuck in a rut. Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo is a clinical psychologist and motivational coach who specializes in helping her clients take the steps to find True Success in their lives. On this special episode of All About Fitness, brought to you by Voltaren - a topical pain relief for arthritis, Dr. Lombardo shares insights for how to quiet your inner critic so that you can remove the obstacles keeping you from success. 

Follow THIS LINK to learn more about Dr. Elizabeth and to access the free meditation program mentioned in the interview.

Connect with Dr. Lombardo on Instagram: @DrELombardo 


Follow THIS LINK for a free sample and coupons for Voltaren, a topical pain relief for arthritis


Join Pete for 30 min. HIIT Workouts from the comfort of your own home! Wednesdays and Fridays at 12pm pacific / 3pm eastern, only $10 FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR DETAILS 

Interested in the Smarter Workouts 6-week Virtual Group Training program? Go to and sign up for the mailing list - you'll get a free chapter of the book and will be the first to know when the program is ready to launch! 


Want to learn the best exercises for your glutes? FOLLOW THIS LINK for Glute Reboot, a recorded webinar with Pete McCall and Abbie Appel on everything you need to know about exercise for the most visible part of your body! 


What's the best way to exercise your inner thigh muscles? Are crunches the best exercise for your abs?

FOLLOW THIS LINK to the recorded webinar on Dynamic Anatomy, it includes a copy of the Dynamic Anatomy e-book that will help you understand how your muscles function during exercise. $27


Do you need new ideas for your workouts? Do you want an exercise program that can deliver results without putting you in pain?

Each one of the All About Fitness 8-week exercise programs is designed for how your muscles actually function, helping you to gain strength, improve definition and burn calories while slowing down the effects of time on your body

8 week Dumbbell Strength Training - only $12


8 week Kettlebell Conditioning - only $12


8 week Functional Core Training - only $12


Dynamic Anatomy e-book understand how your body functions during exercise for only $14! 


To learn how to design exercise programs using only 1 piece of equipment, pick up a copy of Smarter Workouts: The Science of Exercise Made Simple 

Free information and workouts on the All About Fitness podcast YouTube channel  - including this recorded webinar on how high intensity exercise can slow down the aging process:


Go to and sign up for the mailing list to receive a FREE CHAPTER and workout from my book Smarter Workouts


@PeteMcCall_fitness on Instagram to learn great exercise tips and workout ideas