Welcome to the BRAND new Align & Hustle podcast hosted by me, Kathy Spence!

I’m a photographer & brand strategist.  What does that mean? I help trailblazing female entrepreneurs build authentic personal brands, increase their impact & grow their income.

And I love it!  

My clients sometimes ask me if I’m a life coach because I don’t really like small talk.  
I go straight to the deep questions! 

So why the podcast?  

I get into that in this first pilot episode.  I talk all about pivoting in business, resilience, managing your mindset, taking on new challenges and giving yourself permission to believe in yourself.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

So please subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review, it would mean the world to me!

Learn more and join my tribe at www.kathyspence.com

Connect with me on Instagram:  @kathyspenceportrait
I'd love to hear from you!