We are not meant to be perfect.
We are meant to be whole.

In this episode of the Align & Hustle podcast, I am joined by Kate Eckman, author of The Full Spirit Workout.

Just like physical fitness involves a strong physical core, spiritual fitness involves developing a strong inner core to help us navigate or internal and external worlds.

In her book, Kate offers tools and techniques to get readers from where they are to where they most want to be with mind-body- spirit practices.

Kate believes that increased performance and resilience, more meaningful relationships , new found confidence and well being are all available to you when you get your spirit in shape!

And I agree!  So I am giving YOU a copy of Kate's Book, The Full Spirit Workout!

All you have to do is:
Leave a 5 Star Rating and short review in iTunes!
Send me a screenshot of your review via  DM on Instagram to @kathyspenceportrait
And I'll send you a book so that you can experience the Full Spirit Workout for yourself!

For all the resources mentioned in this episode, please visit the Episode Show Notes

Thanks for listening!
xo, k

CLICK HERE for all the RESOURCES mentioned in the show