Next Episode: Why Not Me?

What drives success?

This week, on the Align & Hustle podcast, I'm joined by Naz Beheshti, Executive Wellness Coach, Speaker, Forbes contributor, CEO and Founder of Prananaz, a corporate wellness company and Author of Pause. Breathe. Choose.  -Become the CEO of your Well Being.

In her book, Naz distills the most valuable lessons she learned from her first boss & Mentor- Steve Jobs...that wellness drives success.
And that we can BE well and DO well.

As a Type A, over-achiever, this conversation was full of so many take-ways for me!

We talk about:

Naz's MAP Methodhow to connect your head & your heart, how to upgrade your mindset and behaviour to take charge of your life.

We dive deep into mindfulness, how to know your higher self, how to show up engaged and enthusiastic, no matter where you are and to trust the timing & detours of your life.

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For a copy of Pause. Breathe. Choose.

As always, all resources mentioned in this episode can be found in the SHOW NOTES

Thank you for Listening!
xo, k

CLICK HERE for all the RESOURCES mentioned in the show