Hey Friend, thanks for hanging out with me today!


As you may or may not know...I’m on a mission to heal the world! Not by myself of course, which is why I like sharing conversations with others who have dedicated their lives to the healing arts, like Christopher.


But before we jump in, you know I’m gonna share a resource!


Sobriety Reset  is a FREE weekly online 12 step workshop for women, using “A Woman’s Way Through The 12 Steps” by Dr Stephany Covington. For more information, visit sobrietyreset.com


Also, I just want to encourage you to think about boosting your morning self care routine. The reason it’s so important is that society exposes us to TONS of negativity so it’s easy to become negative in our thinking as well.


Our brains are like biofeedback computers, what goes in comes right back out. So most of us could use a little friendly brainwashing right? We need a way to resolve negative thinking before we can take in positive messages because what we resist, persists.


Here’s something for you to consider. Its a universal law that what you think about, you bring about. Spiritual teachings call it Karma, but in practical terms, our thoughts cause feelings, our feelings influence what we talk about, what we talk about influences our decisions and our decisions determine our actions, which in turn cause the effect we experience.


When you really understand how this all works, then after you have a “Holy Crap” moment, you start to understand how important it is to prime your brain by resolving negativity and feeding it good thoughts.


What is a great morning routine? Well, I’ll share mine:

I do a breathing exercise by Wim Hof - it’s on youtube. You can google it or I will have a link on odaatchat.com


Then I do 15 minutes guided meditation - I use insight timer or you can find one on youtube as well.


I write in my 5 minute journal because it covers all three areas: gratitude, what would make today great and a positive affirmation.


I say a little prayer for gratitude and ask for guidance and that’s it! I’d love to hear about your morning practice or if you don’t have one, you can pick one action and post it on the ODAAT Chat Facebook page, I’d love to hear from you and share your ideas with everyone!


So back to today’s episode, Christopher has an amazing story. He was one of those guys who grew up around recovery, but fell to the deepest darkest places that alcoholism can take you: powerless, hopeless, and despair. However Christopher recovered and that’s what this episode is about. He shares his experience, strength and hope so that others can find hope and inspiration to take similar actions and recover.


So with that, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.