


I love this episode already, because we ran through a “recovery checklist” of sorts that I’m going to have to use in future episodes. It was totally an inspired thought! Felt kinda magical if I’m honest…


Anyway, I have a little story to share with you. So years ago, when I first got sober I was in that emotional place where I had tried all my best ideas to fix my own life, cuz it was a total disaster, but nothing was improving. 


I was completely broken heartbroken because my boyfriend and I had just broken up, I had a ton of bills and no money, and all my friends were fed up. 


But as “luck” would have it, (and when I say luck, i’m using air quotes) I met a woman who pulled me aside and offered to work with me. I was so desperate for change, I did everything she told me to do, which was A LOT. 


But things started to shift, my life started to evolve in ways I never could have imagined. I found peace, relief, and such profound purpose that has given my life such rich meaning, it’s kinda hard to put into words. I was hooked!


Over the last 25 years since that experience, I’ve been obsessed with workshops and exercises that identify the blocks to healing. So that’s what I want to share with you, if you’re ready for it.


It’s a transformational program that starts with a 3 month plan so that you can build a foundation for your own life.


Want to know why I finally decided to take the plunge myself? Other than being completely frustrated? I read this quote by Albert Einstein “A problem can’t be solved with the mind that created it.” For me, that was it and I’m so grateful I did because my life today is unrecognizable from where I started. I’ve been married for over 22 years, sober for 25, I’m debt free except for my house, and I feel really good about who I am today.


If you’re ready to find out more, visit odaatchat.com and look for the butterfly on the right!


So back to today’s episode, Taryn and her mom Dawn Nickel, who was also a previous guest, are the founders of SheRecovers, an absolutely incredible resource for women in recovery. They offer online meetings, retreats, and a huge community of over 270K women, all focused on recovery. And today Taryn is going to share her story and how she recovers. So with that, I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.