We are here to dispel the myth that practicing acts of fitness and health improvement are equated to suffering. Workouts are not acts of torture, and neither is eating a balanced healthy diet.

This discussion is in reference to Nicole Kidman leaning out and getting stronger for a photo shoot. In an article in The Guardian, the author is all about putting Kidman down and ridiculing women who take action to get fit. She calls it a ‘ridiculous effort to look half your age’ And a knock against sister solidarity. 

We are giving it right back to her. Her opinion about trying to look half your age [and calling women who do so ridiculous] is the real spoof on sister solidarity. 

Savvy Midlife women today don’t see optimizing our fitness as an act against our sisters. We see getting fit as a way to enjoy life without limits for as long as possible. We also applaud each other’s efforts and don’t feel triggered by fit women. We applaud everyone who is taking her own health into her own hands. 

Listen in and let’s chat more about this. 

Check back in on Tuesdays for new episodes on the Air Hug Community podcast.

Follow Candace on Instagram @Beauty_of_Strength 

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Have a healthy balanced day,

Air hugs,
