In this episode, Trish and I discuss kicking fear in the nuts! We had to work hard to get this far out of our comfort zones, and we a proud of it! But in the process, we realized that even though we got past our main fear barriers, they still kept enough of a hold on us to keep us from truly going for it.

We'll also discuss fear in general and some strategies to help you learn to kick fear in the nuts too!

Lastly, we talk about how we are changing our show, blog, and vlog to re-align with our original goals and just go for it. It's hard to 'just be yourself' on the air and we have been trying way too hard to make a round peg fit in a square hole.

Going forward, we will be focusing on the vlog and location reporting first, because that is what we wanted to do in the first place. The blog will still cover whatever challenges we are facing and will also have posts for each episode of the podcast and vlog.

The podcast, well, its a work in progress! We are going to do our best to just be ourselves and have fun talking about our story and what we have been doing. It could cover anything from the blog or vlog, and may even have a few rants thrown in just for fun :)

Also, we have decided to embrace our potty mouths and checked the box for explicit content. Just trying to keep it real!

If you like our show, please leave us a rating and review on your podcast platform; Apple Podcast, Spotify, etc.

Thanks for listening to AIn't Life A Trip?!?