Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease is becoming the new pandemic. Just in the United States, it is estimated that at least 30% of the population have one or more autoimmune diseases. Still, there is not much awareness of what they are, how it is to be diagnosed with it and, how we can support loved ones who are.

This podcast is about how we can all become the CEOs of our health, it is a journey through the method our guest, Dane Johnson, used to heal and is making available to everyone. But most of all, it is an episode of hope, inspiration and how, with the right mindset and support any challenge, as hard as it may seems to us, can be our greatest gift.

If you are familiar with this podcast, you know that our host, Pau Feltrin has become a voice bringing awareness of Crohn’s disease, one out of 100 autoimmune diseases which, in this case affects the gut. Our guest Dane Johnson shares the same passion: after being diagnosed with a very severe Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, which left him unable to walk, living on a feeding tube and using antibiotics/chemotherapy to keep him alive from a devastating battle with this autoimmune disease, he found a way to hope and healing. Through natural medicine he reversed all symptoms, became drug free, surgery free, and took back his life without worry. Today, Dane runs a successful worldwide company coaching people with Crohn’s/colitis how to take back their health, and live a meaningful, joyful life. 

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DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast.

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Sigue a Pau Feltrin 

Sigue a Val Benavides

DESLINDE DE RESPONSABILIDAD: El contenido en este podcast es meramente informativo y no pretende sustituir la atención diagnóstica o tratamiento médico profesional. Siempre consulta a tu doctor o profesional de la salud certificado para cualquier duda o pregunta respecto a una condición médica o de salud. Nunca ignore el consejo médico profesional ni demores en buscarlo por algo que hayas escuchado en este podcast.