Jamie Anderson is the CEO at Emergent Software, an award-winning custom software development company that provides high-quality custom software development, website development & design, mobile & web application development, and more. They value employee development, small business, and client partnerships over sales.



“As companies get bigger often they try to do more and more things. I think that is a good business strategy, however, I think you have to be careful not to lose what you're good at.”~Jamie
Saying no to a client is one of the hardest things to do as an agency. When pivoting that conversation with a client make sure your leadership is on the same page and be confident in your company direction.
The current global climate has driven change, especially in businesses and how they interact with or invest in technology.
Having a staffing-based delivery focuses on the technology conversation over how the product is delivered. This simplifies the message and makes your agency more boutique-like.
“The growth metric that we are looking at is consistent, controlled growth. What’s important is maintaining our culture that we developed and maintaining the quality for our clients.” ~Jamie



LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamieanderson2/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamieand78
Emergent Software website: https://www.emergentsoftware.net


Busted Myth:

Bigger is not better. In smaller agencies and companies there is more opportunity to impact culture, to lead, to make customer impact than there is with a bigger “machine”.


Ways to Tune In:

iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/agencies-that-build/id1533003876
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/04KrB9JKLJ7lxoBZQQpSSH?si=zljWTjmwSK-ht50WPpesOg
Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/show/agencies-that-build
Google Play - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWdlbmNpZXN0aGF0YnVpbGQuY29tL2ZlZWQueG1s
YouTube - Full video - https://youtu.be/cNGDROlPauQ

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