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AeroNova Teaching Library

282 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago - ★★★★★ - 9 ratings

The AeroNova podcast provides deep Christian teachings devoted to cultivating people into a deeper relationship with God and raising up spiritual leaders in the nations. Dr. Rod Mills and the faculty and teaching teams of AeroNova peer into the secrets of the kingdom of God in holy scripture, explore the spiritual concepts of sabbath rest, walking closely with God, and equip the careful listener with insights that often escape the casual observer.
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218 Kings Of Tomorrow (Part 2) Props Of Another Age - Rod Mills

December 21, 2022 21:51 - 38 minutes - 46.3 MB

In this series we’re looking at two lens that are essential for us to see reality accurately: the lens of creation and the lens of eternity, the spiritual world. In order to have good depth perception, it is critical to see through two eyes, not through one. In the same way, these two lens are required to have spiritual depth perception, to have a three-dimensional view of our spiritual and physical operating environment. If we don’t think about eternity accurately, we won’t see this life ...

217 Kings Of Tomorrow (Part 1) Intro To Two Lens - Rod Mills

December 21, 2022 21:45 - 55 minutes - 65.2 MB

In this series we’re looking at two lens that are essential for us to see reality accurately: the lens of creation and the lens of eternity, the spiritual world. In order to have good depth perception, it is critical to see through two eyes, not through one. In the same way, these two lens are required to have spiritual depth perception, to have a three-dimensional view of our spiritual and physical operating environment. The design of creation is to give us a lens into God, His attributes...

216 The Power And Insights Of Advent - Beth Mills

December 21, 2022 21:37 - 56 minutes - 66 MB

Why do we celebrate Advent and what does it mean? As Christians we're both looking back and celebrating His first coming and looking forward to His second coming. 

215 Success vs. Legacy. Becoming Spiritual Fathers - Dick Dungan and Rod Mills

December 21, 2022 21:23 - 1 hour - 225 MB

Elijah found that there are two different lifestyles of serving God, not one. This is not a lifestyle of not serving God and a lifestyle of serving God, but two different lifestyles: the Success Paradigm and the Legacy Paradigm. Either way can be serving God, that doesn't mean it's best. 

214 Hidden Elijahs (Part 3) - Rod Mills

December 21, 2022 21:01 - 52 minutes - 121 MB

In Romans 11 Paul talks about the remnant of 7000 prophets that God told Elijah he had reserved for Himself. In this context the word "remnant" is not used to describe all of God's people but specifically describes those who- like Elijah- were deeply committed to God. In this series we talk about what it means to be a part of that remnant of hidden Elijahs, the ones who are involved in hearing and speaking the word of the Lord.

213 Teshuva-Seasons Of Repentance (Part 3) - Beth Mills

November 19, 2022 17:18 - 57 minutes - 68 MB

The season of repentance is about actively turning away from evil and turning towards God. While we choose to walk in repentance every day, there are times to celebrate and observe corporately. This time is about more than just choosing obedience, but about turning to God to restore relationship with Him.

212 Hidden Elijahs (Part 2) [Cont'd From #207] - Rod Mills

November 19, 2022 17:00 - 58 minutes - 69.3 MB

In Romans 11 Paul talks about the remnant of 7000 prophets that God told Elijah he had reserved for Himself. In this context the word "remnant" is not used to describe all of God's people but specifically describes those who- like Elijah- were deeply committed to God. In this series we talk about what it means to be a part of that remnant of hidden Elijahs, the ones who are involved in hearing and speaking the word of the Lord.

211 Spiritual Fathers & Mothers-What They Look Like [The Retreat 2022] - Dick Dungan

September 30, 2022 05:52 - 1 hour - 96 MB

This series of teachings is recorded live from The Retreat by AeroNova 2022. To find out more about how to attend the annual Retreat visit  In this teaching Dick Dungan, Spiritual Father and Honorary Chair of the Center for Transformational Living at AeroNova, talks about the importance of having and being a spiritual father or mother. 

210 The Role Of Inner Healing In Spiritual Parenting [The Retreat 2022] - Nancy Wheatley

September 30, 2022 05:29 - 58 minutes - 69.1 MB

This series of teachings is recorded live from The Retreat by AeroNova 2022. To find out more about how to attend the annual Retreat visit  Inner healing is part of the sanctification process in which our inner life is brought into alignment with the gospel. The heart of God is toward the broken, as is seen all throughout scripture. Spiritual fathers and mothers play a significant role is God’s restoration process. A wise spiritual parent, grows in an awareness o...

208 A Father & Daughter's Story Of Restoration & Redemption [The Retreat 2022] - Mike & Denise Dugal

September 30, 2022 05:07 - 1 hour - 95.4 MB

This series of teachings is recorded live from The Retreat by AeroNova 2022. To find out more about how to attend the annual Retreat visit  In this moving session, father and daughter Mike and Denise Dugal tell their powerful story of traveling through deep darkness into the restoration and redemption of God. 

207 Spiritual Fathers & The Mantle Of Elijah [The Retreat 2022] - Rod Mills

September 30, 2022 03:59 - 58 minutes - 68.3 MB

This series of teachings is recorded live from The Retreat by AeroNova 2022. To find out more about how to attend the annual Retreat visit  The connections between spiritual fathers, restoration, and generational transfer, are not automatically intuitive to some. Our goal here is to look through the divine telescopes and peer back across time at this tidal wave we call the mantle of Elijah, that began in an encounter with God in a cave and created an incredible cha...

206 Teshuva-Seasons Of Repentance (Part 2) - Beth Mills

September 30, 2022 03:48 - 1 hour - 72.1 MB

The season of repentance is about actively turning away from evil and turning towards God. While we choose to walk in repentance every day, there are times to celebrate and observe corporately. This time is about more than just choosing obedience, but about turning to God to restore relationship with Him.

205 Teshuva-Seasons Of Repentance (Part 1) - Beth Mills

September 30, 2022 03:39 - 50 minutes - 59.8 MB

The season of repentance is about actively turning away from evil and turning towards God. While we choose to walk in repentance every day, there are times to celebrate and observe corporately. This time is about more than just choosing obedience, but about turning to God to restore relationship with Him.

204 The Seven Pillars (Part 29)-Pillar 7-Discipling Nations & Series Summary - Rod Mills

August 30, 2022 02:05 - 56 minutes - 66.9 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   The entire series of the seven pillars, the DNA markers, of the AeroNova spiritual family is wrapped up in this transformative teaching.

203 The Seven Pillars (Part 28)-Pillar 7-Discipling Nations, Lampstand Families & Recognizing Revival's Fires - Rod Mills

August 30, 2022 01:50 - 58 minutes - 69.1 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   In this teaching on the seventh pillar, the call to the nations, we talk about the key to revival in the nations: cultivating the fire of God within our own families.

202 Intro To Spiritual Disciplines - Nancy Wheatley

August 30, 2022 01:46 - 37 minutes - 44.6 MB

Spiritual disciplines bring us into conscious engagement with God. They are not checkboxes for righteousness, but ways of being intentional about friendship with God and spiritual formation.

201 Building Intentional Healthy Relationships - Woody Go

July 31, 2022 22:19 - 40 minutes - 47.3 MB

200 The Seven Pillars (Part 27)-Pillar 7-A Call To The Nations And Discipling As Spiritual Fathers And Mothers - Rod Mills

July 31, 2022 22:07 - 47 minutes - 55.9 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   The seventh pillar is a call to the nations. This is a deeply relational call to many cultures, many nations, with truths being imparted through relational means within a spiritual family.

199 The Seven Pillars (Part 26)-Pillar 6-Walking In Humility And Overcoming Obstructions To Spiritual Authority - Rod Mills

July 31, 2022 21:59 - 46 minutes - 55.5 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   In this final session on the sixth pillar, raising up spiritual leaders, we explore the final obstruction to spiritual authority, pride. True humility is key for us to live and carry this spiritual authority that God has given us.

198 Dedicating Our Children To God (Part 3) - Nicole Lee

July 31, 2022 21:35 - 26 minutes - 31.4 MB

In this faith-filled teaching we are encouraged to raise kids who will become men and women who walk closely with Jesus, in holiness and wisdom and fear of the Lord. When we dedicate our children to the Lord we are coming into agreement with what God is already saying about them and declaring that we will settle for nothing less than the perfect will of God for them.

197 Dedicating Our Children To God (Part 2) - Rod Mills

July 01, 2022 00:08 - 47 minutes - 56.5 MB

In this second part to the teaching on dedicating our children to God we dive into the concepts of surrender and consecration. Although this is an integral part of child dedication, it is also applicable to the Christian life as a whole.

196 The Seven Pillars (Part 25)-Pillar 6-Raising Spiritual Leaders And Obstructions To Spiritual Authority - Rod Mills

June 30, 2022 23:59 - 54 minutes - 64.8 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.  In our last teaching we talked about the spiritual authority that imparted to us in the Great Commission. In this teaching on the sixth pillar, raising up spiritual leaders, we discuss the obstructions that keep people from operating in that authority.

195 Dedicating Our Children To God (Part 1) - Rod Mills

June 30, 2022 23:53 - 46 minutes - 55.5 MB

When we dedicate our children to God dedicating we are establishing a spiritual high ground in their lives for the presence of God. We are establishing the hedges of God and His divine protection in their lives. But this goes beyond just the day of dedication; this is the gateway into a whole lifestyle of consecration, surrender and diligence to not be complacent and to contend for your and their place in God.

194 The Seven Pillars (Part 24)-Pillar 6 - Raising Spiritual Leaders And Spiritual Authority - Rod Mills

June 30, 2022 23:41 - 57 minutes - 68.1 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.  The essence of the meaning of the Great Commission is spiritual authority. Jesus command of the Great Commission is actually an impartation, of spiritual authority. This is a critical truth to walk in and impart as we raise up spiritual leaders.

193 The Seven Pillars (Part 23) - Pillar 6-Raising Up Spiritual Leaders.The Great Commission - Rod Mills

June 30, 2022 23:32 - 50 minutes - 60 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   In this introduction to pillar six, the call to be and to raise up spiritual leaders, we discuss the importance of spiritual influence, the influence of God flowing through us as His vessels. Spiritual leaders are both disciples and disciple makers.

192 For The Joy Set Before Him - Nancy Wheatley

April 17, 2022 02:32 - 1 hour - 71 MB

The Hebrews writer tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith, the author, the source, and the champion who initiates our faith. For the joy set before Him in faith, Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame. In other words, He endured the most excruciating act of costly love ever known, because of the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. So whatever the race marked out for you looks like, run it with perseverance.

191 The Seven Pillars (Part 22)-Pillar 5-Mantle Of Elijah.Sons Of Issachar - Rod Mills

April 17, 2022 02:16 - 44 minutes - 53.3 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   In this final installment of the teachings on the fifth pillar, the Mantle of Elijah, we explore the fascinating connection between the spirit of Elijah and the Sons of Issachar. 

190 The Seven Pillars (Part 21)-Pillar 5-Mantle Of Elijah.Living The Legacy - Rod Mills

April 17, 2022 02:10 - 45 minutes - 54.3 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   This final enstallemnt of the teaching on the fifth pillar, walking in the mantle of Elijah, empasizes the bullseye lifestyle of living in the legacy paradigm versus the success paradigm. 

189 The Seven Pillars (Part 20)-Pillar 5-Mantle Of Elijah: Success To Legacy - Rahab,Ruth, & Boaz - Rod Mills, Marina Behel, Beth Mills

March 24, 2022 02:37 - 1 hour - 75.3 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people. In this next installment of the teachings on the fifth pillar, we discuss the critical shift from success to legacy paradigm for spiritual fathers and mothers.  

188 The Seven Pillars (Part 19)-Pillar 5-The Mantle Of Elijah: From Success To Legacy-Rod Mills

March 24, 2022 02:23 - 58 minutes - 68.9 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   In this profound teaching expanding on the teaching of the fifth pillar, taking up the mantle of Elijah, we talk about the transition from a paradigm of success to a paradigm of legacy. The success paradigm is a life focus on our own success. The legacy paradigm is about the multiplication of the anointing of God in your life imparted into the lives of others.

187 Holiness & Joy-The Powerful Connection Between Holiness & Divine Happiness (Biblical Joy) - Tyler Behel

March 24, 2022 02:17 - 51 minutes - 61.2 MB

The joy of the Lord is something very different from human happiness. As Christians, we have the ability to move past being tossed by every circumstance that comes our way and replace it with the Joy of the Lord.

186 The Seven Pillars (Part 18)-Pillar 5-Eljah.Prophet & Spiritual Father - Rod Mills

February 17, 2022 04:40 - 53 minutes - 63.9 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.  In this continued teaching of the fifth pillar, taking up the mantle of Elijah, we discuss physical and spiritual expressions of this reality we call the mantle of Elijah, the spiritual anointing of Elijah.

185 The Seven Pillars (Part 17)-Pillar 5-The Mantle Of Elijah & Discernment Of Issachar - Rod Mills

February 17, 2022 04:33 - 45 minutes - 55.7 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   The fifth pillar is a call to carry or walk in the mantle of Elijah, which is the call to raise up spiritual leaders. This means becoming spiritual fathers and mothers who raise up other spiritual fathers and mothers, with a life focus on generational transfer.

184 The Seven Pillars (Part 16)-More On The Higher Levels Of Obedience & Pleasure In God - Rod Mills

January 22, 2022 03:42 - 1 hour - 86.9 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.  In this final installment of teachings on the fourth pillar, obedience and listening, we talk about the great joy and pleasure of high levels of obedience and total commitment to God.

183 Prophetic Insights For 2022 - Rod Mills

January 22, 2022 03:36 - 47 minutes - 54.8 MB

Throughout Scripture we see God reveal to his people His plans and highlight certain focuses for the coming season of time. Each year, we pray and seek the Lord for His guidance, insights, and direction for the upcoming year. This is an overview of some of the prophetic insights God is highlighting to the AeroNova spiritual family for the year 2022.  

182 The Heart That Bears A Harvest - Nancy Wheatley

January 22, 2022 03:24 - 51 minutes - 61 MB

Throughout the Bible we hear that heart in the Scriptures saying the word of God is not hard to find. He wants us to know how to walk wisely, He is pouring forth speech. But Revelation is costly and requires us to do something with it, not just hear it. In this teaching, explore how to have good soil of the heart to receiving revelation and let it bare a bountiful harvest in our hearts.

181 Advent Meditation On Adoration Followed By The Seven Pillars (Part 15)-The Higher Levels Of Obedience - Janae Go & Rod Mills

January 22, 2022 03:12 - 1 hour - 77.9 MB

Advent is more than a time of celebrating an event but is actually a time of adoration and worship of a person, Jesus. True adoration requires intimacy, which requires vulnerability. In this meditation on Advent we focus on the deep adoring worship that comes when we fully open up ourselves before the Lord in intimacy.

180 Preparing Our Hearts Through Repentance, Pruning, Holiness, & Baptism Of The Holy Spirit - Leidi Dussan

January 22, 2022 03:04 - 35 minutes - 42.7 MB

As we continue in this season of Advent we discuss the critical act of true repentence before the Lord as a way of preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus. 

179 The Seven Pillars (Part 14) - Obedience & Listening, Characteristics Of The

November 30, 2021 19:15 - 57 minutes - 67.6 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   There is extraordinary blessing in the relationship of obedience and submission we have to one another and to spiritual leaders in our lives. This life practice of spiritual leadership followership is a three fold braided cord: spiritual fathering and mothering; spiritual sonship; and generational transfer.

178 The Seven Pillars (Part 13) - Lifestyle Of Obedience & Listening, Jesus, Elijah, & Paul - Rod Mills

November 30, 2021 19:13 - 50 minutes - 60 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   In this further teaching on the fourth pillar, obedience and listening, we discus the lost art and practice of followership. God sets us in families, to be spiritual fathers and mothers yes, but also to be followers of spiritual mothers and fathers.

177 The Seven Pillars (Part 12) - Lifestyle Of Obedience, Listening, & Honor - Rod Mills

November 24, 2021 22:33 - 52 minutes - 66.4 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   As we continue in the series of the 7 pillars we talk about the fourth pillar, a lifestyle of obedience and listening. There is great blessing in giving honor to those with spiritual authority, in listening and walking in obedience.

176 The Ark Builder's Call - Rod Mills

November 24, 2021 22:25 - 1 hour - 75.7 MB

We are in times that we've never seen before in history, spiritually, relationally, culturally, and politically. In these dark times, God is highlighting Noah and the grace he found in the eyes of God. Noah's family had a spiritual heritage of walking with God through the generations. In these times, God is calling our families to be ark builders, to be the center of gravity for influence and generational transfer, especially in spiritual matters.

175 The Seven Pillars (Part 11)-NT Community & The Relational Nature Of NT Worship - Rod Mills

October 23, 2021 20:02 - 56 minutes - 66.4 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   In this final installment of the teaching on the third pillar, New Testament community, we talk about spiritual community and the practices of dwelling together with God are acts of worship.

174 The Seven Pillars (Part 10)-NT Community & The Divine Pleasures Of God-Dwelling - Rod Mills

October 23, 2021 19:57 - 46 minutes - 56.5 MB

This is a series on the 7 Pillars of the AeroNova spiritual family, the DNA markers of who God has called us to be as a people.   As we continue to dive into the third pillar, New Testament community, we introduce this important truth: that the pleasures of loving and knowing God enter into our spiritual friendships with others. The spiritual practice of God-dwelling is the practice of dwelling in relational proximity to God. But it's lived out as group God-dwelling. The practice of dwelli...

173 Spiritual Lessons From The Feast Of Tabernacles - Rod Mills

October 23, 2021 19:52 - 39 minutes - 47.2 MB

Though as Christians we are no longer commanded to celebrate the Feasts of Israel, they are vivid demonstrations of eternal realities of God. In this special teaching on the Feast of Tabernacles we discuss it’s connection to holy convocation and faith-filled generosity. 

172 The Mysteries & Privileges Of Divine Sonship (Part 2) - Lucy Cantrell

October 23, 2021 19:45 - 47 minutes - 55.8 MB

The Father desires to invite us into His perfect communion with Jesus, sharing His love and oneness. In these teachings we explore both the importance and the wonder of our position in heaven as sons and daughters of God.

171 The Mysteries & Privileges Of Divine Sonship (Part 1) - Lucy Cantrell

October 23, 2021 19:39 - 54 minutes - 65.9 MB

The Father desires to invite us into His perfect communion with Jesus, sharing His love and oneness. In these teachings we explore both the importance and the wonder of our position in heaven as sons and daughters of God.

170 The Retreat 2021 - Kingdom Of God, The Family Business - Tyler Behel

September 01, 2021 17:04 - 28 minutes - 34.1 MB

This series of teachings is recorded live from The Retreat by AeroNova 2021. To find out more about how to attend the annual Retreat visit  What does it mean to be- like Jesus- about the Father’s business? Jesus' model of being about Father's business requires imitating Him and spiritual fathers and mothers on earth, then entering God's observatory to learn and imitate God's character.  


First Things First
5 Episodes