David Yakobovitch ia Principal Data Scientist at Galvanize and Podcast Host of Humaine Podcast. We discuss the future of digitized education that will likely be more of a hybrid approach. Since traditional teaching “teaches to the middle” this will provide an opportunity to meet students where they are. Additionally, this approach is more equitable, assuming all of the technology is in place, as students who were reluctant and shy may not have been excelling as there was too much social pressure for them in the classroom.
Addressing social change is an important part of this discussion and providing equipment will need to be funded by the government, which is a reasonable investment.
New communication tools will need to be implemented in this new age of education and work.
In education, students may be able to accelerate through education, especially in asynchronous learning, since each student learns at their own pace. Project-based or problem-based learning will likely be the way we go in the future.
To prepare for the future of work, it is time to go digital. David said we need much more digital education skills infused in early education, and long-term, kids can decide if they want to move through the regular track to college or go straight into a specialized digital field.
What do we encourage our youth to do to prepare? Technology is changing rapidly, but education has not been keeping pace, so this is a shift we need to make as we redesign education. Hackathons and coding projects are great for young kids to help prepare them. Making and creating should be central focuses.
Other topics we discuss:
Obstacles: access, internet
Splintering of education because not all learnings will go online
Moving from a tech economy to a knowledge economy
earning tech at an earlier age is better. Anyone can learn a skill at any age.
Innovation / Apprenticeships
Service economy and tech economy
Coding scratch lego tech tools
What does that mean for the future of work then?
What skills should we infuse in the system now looking ahead
Digital literacy skills
What about collaborative learning skills?
What needs to happen in the future to make education purposeful
Podcast: http://www.humainpodcast.com/listen
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidyakobovitch/
