Twyla Dell is an Author Fuel and Energy Historian and Activist. As an environmental leader, Twyla writes a daily blog and says the pandemic serves as a “forced evolution” and will help spark change in the future.
Twkyas says that gas is detrimental to our environment and that we need to stop using it.
Coral reefs are also important ecosystems that are often compromised because many species start there, and we need to be careful not to ruin them. If we do not make these changes then:
“Soggy shoes syndrome” Boston, NYC, San Francisco, etc. coastal cities will not be liveable
“Tumbleweed syndrome” Cities that are inland will dry up and agriculture will suffer
She says that we need to have the ice caps and once they melt, we can’t go back. Twyla says that people are conditioned to accept the use of gasoline and we rely upon big companies to make policies around climate change that is just not happening.
We need to stop using so much CO2. Buying electric cars are helpful, but now we can communicate remotely which is a gift as it saves us money from not burning gasoline and also time.
Some people will have challenges, though combining trips and carpooling is part of the solution and will contribute to this problem in both the short and long-term.
Twyla created a workbook to use less gas and lose pounds - both CO2 and weight.
She says we have maybe 5 years, not 20 years, and we are hovering at the point of no return with the ice caps. The temperature will rise, populations will be pushed out, tropical diseases and animal populations will increase, there will be environmental refugees, and it will be overcrowded in the zones that are desirable.
People are doing their part by recycling, but we need more education about how to do it properly, and water bottles need to stop being produced.
Twyla’s book FUELING CHANGE ( walks us through the changes in energy over time. In a very short time, energy shifted quickly into the cataclysmic contribution to CO2 which needs to transition into the solar age heading into the future.
Additionally, more use of “electronic highways” will be beneficial which will save tons of CO2. Remote learning, remote work, and remote communication is necessary.
IN the future, Dr. Dell hopes to see electronic “Smart” cities, blue skies and a celebration of Earth Day where climate change and global warming slowed and stopped.






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