How to be in flow in your business. Flow is a divine state of grace, an energy that keeps you moving towards you goals, desires, where you want your business and your life to go.

This is a must-hear conversation for entrepreneurs and small business owners, people in business with and for themselves.

Uncertainty and change is a constant, so by being in a flow state you are better able to navigate life’s ups and downs - avoiding burnout and remaining in a creative state.

Your customers, your circle, can feel what energy you’re operating with. Relationship based marketing is the new and effective way of marketing, and your energy state plays a huge role in how you connect with your audience and clients.

This new world is really about creating connections, relationships and checking in with our energy state to be aware of the image we are sending out. That energy we’re sending out is either taking us towards our goals or away from them - it’s either in flow or in force.

How do we personally get into a flow state? What are some practical day-to-day techniques to apply?

Athletes, artists, singers, dancers, when they are in their peak performance, they are operating from flow state. Their mindset is navigating in the direction of their goals. Flow keeps you open and creative, whereas when we operate in lower vibration energies it’s nearly impossible to direct ourselves towards acceleration, growth and success.

Emotions are energy in motion. How does this translate to flow state? Donna and Sahar answer this question with practical tools and tips to balance your emotional state in order to reside in flow. What is meditation's role in developing flow state. Visionary Imagination, what is it and how do we use it?

We’ll discuss how to access these different brain wave states such as alpha state, to feel less stress, relaxed, open to meditative states and better able to access more information from our “higher self”. When we can access these states, then we begin to operate from flow and not force. We discuss why it’s important to access alpha, theta and delta brain wave states in order to access higher levels of awareness that can up level your being and your business.