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#1hourashtangayoga #ashtangaintro #ashtangavinyasa

Ashtanga is the foundation practice of so many modern yoga styles today. From Rocket to Vinyasa to traditional Mysore Ashtanga itself, the original method of Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois introduced the world to this dynamic style of breath and flow. 

In this class

- 1 Hour Follow Along Class

- Traditional Sequences from Primary & Intermediate Series 

- Vinyasa for each Asana counted in Sanskrit

- Tips for each Asana in the captions

- Set List for the class

- Guided Pranayama

- Guided Relaxation

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About Your Teacher:

Hi! I'm Adarsh Williams and I've been practicing Ashtanga since 1998. After living in Mysore for the better part of 3 years, I received Ashtanga Authorization directly from Pattabhi Jois, and was upgraded to Level 2 by Sharath Jois in 2009. I've had many wonderful mentors and students along the way that have motivated me to keep improving in my teaching. 

In this video, we practice a mix of 1st and 2nd Series Ashtanga that is user-friendly enough of a beginner, but offers the challenge that we love from the practice. 

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