Sal Di Stefanois the lead host of the incredible and hugely popular health, fitness & lifestyle podcast show Mind Pump. With 22+ years experience and wisdom, Sal combines forces with Adam and Justin to make the most entertaining, original, raw and real podcast on all things to do with getting in shape, sharpening your mindset, being well and generally navigating modern life.

Mind Pump & Sal inspired AdapNation’s creation, so it was a true privilege to be speaking with one of the Podcast Host greats. You’ll probably sense some of Steve’s fan boy love coming through!


We cover sooooo much in this chat. The theme of the discussion is really about finding a place of intuitive wellness and wellbeing, and Sal navigating us through his learning and journey from an muscle-obsessed kid through to a jacked but ill 30 year old, and now to having the whole package of physique, wisdom and great health.

Sal drops so many pearls of wisdom. You’ll love his appreciation for traditional wisdom, his intuitive approach to wellness, and his great analogies.


DISCLAIMER: Steve was REALLY ill at time of recording. Energy was a little low as a result. We used this episode to unpack what might be going on given his recent diet interventions. It was pretty fascinating to discuss and explore with the audience and Sal - and goes to show the value of being open minded, being comfortable being vulnerable, and seeking opinions from others. 

P.S. I (Steve) was back to full strength shortly after recording, bar the weird persistent hand peeling thing. I changed nothing at all. Odd - or just a flu/virus thing that came out of nowhere. The mysteries of the human body...   


Here’s the range of topics we discuss:

🔸Getting to know Sal & Mind Pump - The objectives of Mind Pump, Sal’s relationship with weight and muscles since 12 years old, his body rebelling against him at 30, and his journey to nutritional and wellness intuition

🔸The Unknown Unknowns of Wellness and Longevity - The complexity of human metabolism and the need to re-learn behaviours and value tradition/evolution

🔸Can you have Wellness & a Great Physique? - How Sal has navigated these two seemingly conflicting goals, and how being health looks great

🔸The Life-Changing Effect of Training - Sal talks about the mindset shift and life value when you shift from outcome focussed to enjoying the process.

🔸Valuing Wisdom over Knowledge - Hearing Sal explain the two, and why he favours wisdom the anger he goes at this

🔸The benefits of simplifying your life - Detachment from modern pressures and needs and freedom of not identifying with stuff.

🔸Power of Fasting - From food and digital. All the benefits Sal sees from including a fasting practice in your life

🔸Total Value of a Food Choice - how Sal thinks about his food choices, and how eating HEALTHY is incredibly enjoyable for him. Hedonism vs the whole package.

🔸Intuitive Eating & Listening to Your Body - how Sal has arrived at this place and the diversity of Bio-individuality

🔸Sal’s thoughts on Meat-Dominant and Low-Plant diets - as it relates to health and wellness? Is he comfortable with the claims?

🔸The Universal Truths of a Healthy Diet - There are a wild variety of ways that we can eat and be healthy. The commonality is...

🔸Steve’s Poor Health ‘Episode' - Is it a Diet deficiency, Diet incompatibility, bacterial overgrowth or…  toxicity dumping?

🔸Preparing Kids for the Future - Sal’s Duties and Priorities in helping his Kids be ready for an uncertain future 


Learn More about Mind Pump & Sal Di Stefano:

▪︎ The Mind Pump Podcast - available on all Podcast platforms

▪︎ MindPump TV - The awesome and informative Youtube channel

▪︎ - tons of free resources from the Mind Pump team including lots of free guides

▪︎ - The main website, where you can find all their industry leading training programs

▪︎ Instagram: @mindpumpsal & @mindpump

▪︎ Events: Joe DeFranco Nov 2019 Certification San Jose and 2019 Mind Pump Tours in Seattle, Denver and San Francisco



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AdapNation Useful Links:

AdapNation Website - Where you will find articles, videos and journals on all things wellness, training and mindset

#HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Weight Training blocks, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import

AdapNation Instagram - To see what’s going on in our world across business, training and family

Steve’s Body & Mind Progress Journals - Follow Steve’s real-world progress, following all the principles within the Podcasts

AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking

AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Facebook Community - To get into conversation with like-minded folk wanting to be their best