We’ve got the YouTube star Frank Tufano on the podcast today. He’s known for his mostly raw Carnivore nose-to-tail diet, his entertaining videos taking down vegan propaganda, his deep nutritional knowledge and his ancestral appreciation to living optimally within our modern day lives. 

People that follow me on social know I can get triggered by the bombardment of vegan propaganda, and that I oppose the plant-based arguments posed around nutrition, animal suffering, and sustainability. That I feel we are all being duped for the benefit of profits and flawed ideology.

So in a world with increasing noise, fanfare and pseudo-science around the the Vegan diet, there is a need for two things. One, for useful and true nutritional information regarding the historical and current values of animal-nutrition to reach us, and two, for many informed individuals to stand up against the dis-information of the Anti-Meat & Vegan Propaganda that spreads like wildfire, gets blindly accepted as fact, and lives in perpetuity.

But more than that, you need relatability. You need to meet this demographic where they hang out. And you need to be likeable, entertaining and non-apologetic about ruffling some feathers... whilst also being a trusted authority with integrity.


That’s what you get with Frank Tufano.


This is what we discuss:

🔸Frank's beginning- Being a triplet, ridden with health issues, building his YouTube channel & getting nutritionally educated

🔸Where Frank gets his passion from?- Why does he care so much about fighting a losing battle?

🔸Frank’s uniqueness & experiments- How Frank is a canary in the coal mine with intolerances, and some wacky self-experiments

🔸Challenging the Status Quo and Veganism- the struggles to get the truth out when it goes against everything we ‘know’, and why anti-vegan dialog is important for us all.

🔸Frank’s ancestral living, logical and nutritional context- and how appreciating all three helps him find confidence

🔸Ignorance of how food gets on our plates- and how this disconnect is causing much of the ideological battles

🔸Modern-Day Plant Food vs Wild Ancestral Plant Food- and what Frank thinks about consuming domesticated plant foods

🔸Franks issues with the rise in Fake Meat- Discussing the perception, ingredients and the ethics.

🔸The underlying tenants of a BAD Modern Diet- Frank talks through the issues that need eliminating, reducing or upgrading

🔸Frank’s pragmatism on Plant Foods and Processed foods- His flexibility, what his family eat and his personal risk management tolerance

🔸What is in Frank’s Carnivore Nose-to-tail mostly raw diet?- Staples, preparation approaches and occasionals

🔸Eating raw Organ Meats- What you need to know, and why people can get sick with introducing new foods

🔸Franks Blood Work and Markers- Frank shares all his blood results, including risk factors and surge in testosterone

🔸Are there any nutritional gaps in Frank’s all-meat diet?- Would he benefit from eating certain plant foods? What about antioxidants?

🔸What Frank dislikes about the Carnivore messaging and community- and what needs to be done to make meat-dominant diet(s) more accessible and socially acceptable. 


Also, there are loads of valuable nutrition knowledge bombs peppered throughout! Things on cholesterol, animal-only nutrients, vegetable oils, MTHFR, nutritional synergy, omega 6’s, Vitamin D and much more.


Learn More about Frank Tufano:

▪︎ YouTube- Frank Tufano

▪︎ Socials- Twitter/ Instagram/ Patreon

▪︎ Meat- Frankies Free Range Meat 

▪︎ Cosmetics- Frankies Naturals

▪︎ Podcast- Perfected Health Podcast

▪︎ Consults- [email protected]

▪︎ Forum- https://carnivoreforum.com

▪︎ Referenced- Primal Body Primal Mind, Weston A Price Nutrition & Physical Degeneration, Dave Feldman Cholesterol Code




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