Almost in every AdapNation episode, we attempt to take a BIG chunk out of one very specific subject, with the goal of deep thinking and exploring together. To double-click and really get intimate with the issue and solutions. 

This episode is different. This episode is about all the SMALL things, that when stitched together make a BIG difference to physical and mental wellbeing.

Bryn and Steve have a casual conversation where they call out the habits they have either mastered or are currently working on developing. For an easy going chat, you’ll be surprised how many habit they share, as well as some of the problems they are both trying to work on within their lives to increase their health and wellbeing.

The reality is, no one is perfect. We may ‘know’ what we should do, but 100% execution against your plan and standards is not possible. Balls get dropped. Some days are a bit meh. We’re all human. 


Hopefully this conversation lets you in to the many imperfections of Bryn and Steve, combined with the honesty and commitment to ever optimise and improve. To #BeYourBest - one day at a time.


35 HABITS in total were discussed! Here’s a highlight of a few…

1️⃣ Embracing more solitude and times of nothingness

2️⃣ Cold Shower with Wim Hof Breathing & Boom-Boom Anchoring...

3️⃣ Setting up for Focussed Deep Work

4️⃣ Trying to intuitively listen to my body more

5️⃣ What are the FEWEST things need for optimal wellness vs what else needs to be added

6️⃣ Digital Sunset & Bedroom Binaural beats...

7️⃣ Back Sleeping with Neck Pillow

8️⃣ Regular Fasting practice 

9️⃣ Breaking some everyday mindless consumption defaults

🔟 Googling opposing views to prevent being dogmatic and biased



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