The movement of Low Carb Real Food dieting approaches is being embraced globally by health professionals who are seeing incredible results with their patients.

As progressive healthcare and health-conscious individuals look to more deeply understand the mechanisms of Diabetes, Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Heart Disease, Hypertension and generally Metabolic Syndrome, many are landing on the idea that current lifestyle diseases are being triggered and fuelled by chronically elevated Insulin levels.

Sam Feltham is one many UK-based health professionals who is attempting to educate and influence the British (and Global) Healthcare System into considering the LCHF way of eating as a highly effective approach to treating Diabetes, Obesity and other associated modern diseases.

Sam comes with his own super interesting story. He used his own body to show the HUGE variance in body composition, waist measurement, digestive health and sense of wellbeing when comparing a Low Carb Real Food, Low Fat Processed Food and Low Fat Vegan Diet against one another. The results of his well controlled and intelligently designed n=1 experiment are staggering, and totally break our conventional wisdom that 'a Calorie is a Calorie’ when it comes to weight loss! 

Sam is a force for good. He has setup and directs a educational charity called Public Health Collaboration, where the goal is to introduce our UK NHS as well as the public to the idea of treating modern western diseases with a Low Carb approach, as well as reclaiming your body and wellbeing. Through his philanthropic efforts so far, he has already made a difference, but it’s just the start. There is A LOT to do. Decades of generational wisdom to compete with.


So, if you’re curious as to what this crazy body fat experiment is about, Sam’s hypothesis behind the benefits of a LCHF diet, and want some real world references that make the discussion hugely relevant… then absolutely do listen in.


Here’s what we discuss:

1️⃣ Sam Feltham’s Journey - From snowboarding & bootcamps, to podcaster and charity director 

2️⃣ The Body Fat Experiment Design - Pitting 5700kcal LCHF vs Low Fat Processed Food vs Low Fat Vegan Real Food

3️⃣ Body Fat Experiment: Weight & Waist results - Be ready to be confused!

4️⃣ Body Fat Experiment: Energy, Mood, Digestion, Symptoms - How Sam felt between the 3.5 dieting approaches 

5️⃣ Why The Crazy Results? - Discussing hormones, Biochemical disruption, value of macronutrients in body, removal vs storage of excess energy...

6️⃣ Steve’s LCHF Meat-Dominant Anecdote - How Steve is struggling for the first time to bulk on a massive 4300kcal budget

7️⃣ High Carb and/or Vegan Diet Approaches - Sam discusses the common hormonal dis-regulation issues seen in these diets long term

8️⃣ The Data suggesting a High Fat diet is to be embraced - Discussing the Virta study, Israeli high fat study and backed Low Carb Program results

9️⃣ We’re following or surpassing the Nutritional Guidelines! - Sam shares stats that demonstrate high compliance, yet increasingly poor health outcomes

🔟 Public Healthcare bodies starting to support the LCHF dieting approach - The changes and wins so far, and how to engage your GP or Nurse on the subject of trying a Low Carb diet for health reasons and de-subscribing

*️⃣ Sam’s Cool Initiatives! - Real Food Day and Real Food Rocks


Learn More about Sam Feltham, the PHC and his Experiments:

▪︎ Public Health Collaboration Website - includes ambassador program, patient booklet, advice and annual conferences vids

▪︎ Dr Unwin Sugar Infographics - NICE endorsed

▪︎ - 19th Jun 2019 Real Food Day with #realfoodday workplace, home and school Activity Packs

▪︎ Real Food Rocks - fun family day centred around real food. 20th July 2019

▪︎ Social Media - Sam Feltham on Twitter, PHC on Twitter, PHC on YouTubeand PHC on Facebook

▪︎ The Low Carb Program - endorses program, now part of the NHS digital library

▪︎ Sam’s Smash The Fat (retired) online resources: Blog site, Podcasts & Videos

▪︎ Sam’s Self Experimentation Write Up

▪︎ Gary Taubes book - Why we get fat: and what to do about it



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