Food is so political and emotionally charged, albeit we don’t often stop to realise just how engulfed food actually is with politics. The reality is, food availability, production and choice has been a driving force behind a lot of our historical disputes and conflict.

However, it does feel that the debate around food is reaching fever-pitch, and this is largely driven by the popularity and well-organised messaging of the growing vegan community.

And whilst debate is healthy and necessary to advance and create better solutions, the vegan propaganda fuelled more by ideology and questionable / fallacious ‘facts’ is creating an incredible divide and hurtful judgement and social pressure. Where belief is the driving force - not real-world practical evidence and workable solutions. 

So, in this podcast Steve and Bryn look to answer the question “Should it be Veganisim vs All other choices, or should it be Big Food vs Real Food?”. Is a Vegan life and diet the Elixir for life that we are lead to believe, or is there an alternative future that delivers more goodness to humans, the planet and drives out suffering of living creatures?


This podcast looks to break down the Vegan argument and recommendations, offers a counter position, and then closes on a list of Steve’s recommendations that in his opinion would deliver a better outcome on all levels.


Here’s what we discuss:

1️⃣ Gym Influence on nutrition & the Protein Challenge - Bryn explores the impact gym owners have on peoples health via nutritional choices, and the protein deficiency issues.

2️⃣ Vegan as the ‘Holy Grail’?- The best, kindest and healthiest. Is that true? Are you wrong to be an omnivore?

3️⃣ The BIG issues - What are the big issues we are grappling with today with our food systems?

4️⃣ What is REAL food? - Steve offers his view on the definitions between real food vs processed food. The proliferation of vegan processed food.

5️⃣ Abundant Choice and Processed Food proliferation - Do we need an anti-capitalist response? Is all the production necessary to survive and thrive?

6️⃣ We’re already on a Plant -Dominant diet- We dissect the average diet that seems to be failing us as a species

7️⃣ Observing our Primal Instincts - Talking about what people do when on reality survival shows

8️⃣ Is nature really that cruel? - Why does the ‘elixir of life’ get rejected by kids, cause gut issues, and send us on a spiralling decline of health? 

9️⃣ Attempting to Out Do Nature - We are we fighting against nature? Why the need for this god-like control - assuming we know best for human health, versus nature itself?

🔟 Everyone has Blood On Their Hands - Plant Agriculture is not innocent. How Monocrops cause massive destruction to life and the planet 

#️⃣ How can Feeling So Good be So Wrong? - Exploring the healthy, energy, physique, mood and enjoyment outcomes of a diet with animal-nutrition. Is nature really that twisted?


🍽 Steve’s Diet Decisions & Recommendations - With optimal nutrition, least suffering and nourishing the planet in mind, Steve’s shares his controversial diet decisions for his family



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