Mike is the amazing physical therapist who helped me with my knee!

We chat about letting go of your ego, keeping your body safe as you run/walk, and learning to listen to your body instead of looking at a gadget.


Work with Mike: https://rehabrenegade.com/online-fitness/


Checkout the blog: https://rehabrenegade.com/blog/


YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2pNcuyd2z8UQrtLXfVoqA/videos


I loved this article about pain: https://rehabrenegade.com/one-common-myth-that-will-keep-you-in-pain/


And this article/video on swelling behind the knee/Baker’s Cyst: https://rehabrenegade.com/bakers-cyst-swelling-behind-my-knee/


Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rehab_renegade/