Actions and Limits interviews Jim Stutz a teacher turned musician shares his powerful story. 


In 2012 and 2013, Jim experienced several life-changing events in a very short
amount of time: his marriage ended; his father died; and his twenty-year teaching
career came to a rancorous and unsettling end.

Jim believed then, as he does now, that everything and everyone in our lives
happens for a reason, and he set out to discover just what there was for him to learn
from these painful experiences.

What Jim learned throughout this process was how, for the first time in his life,
to honor and be his true Self. This led Jim to engage in passions he had long ago
abandoned—writing and music.

For two years Jim wrote a weekly essay about his journey. Those essays have
been compiled into a collection that Jim plans to self-publish.

Jim also signed himself up for guitar lessons and soon after started writing
song lyrics. Jim wrote a full album’s worth of lyrics exploring some of the most
impactful people and events in his life. Those songs have recently been recorded
and will be released on Jim’s first album, Love & Dreams.


Download Jim's album "Love and Dreams" on Spotify and other music outlets. 



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