Actions and Limits interviews entrepreneur and rapper Tom Libelt.


A message from Tom Libelt:

I’ve been given a lot of shitty advice throughout the years…

It happened in school
It happened at work
In business
At the gym
and when it comes to relationships

The business world is tough.

If you are not where you want to be with it most likely it is not your fault.

Unless you’re lazy.

Then it is a 100% your fault.

Every time I log into social media (and I follow a lot of gurus… some are even my friends) I want to scream bullshit and 90% of all the advice I see.


Because it is generic or misleading.

Once I asked a customer how he would describe me.

He said “Razor sharp…. no bullshit, cuts right to the chase. You should work on being more human. Have some flaws.”

I’ll take that.

If you can survive the first contact with me… you will notice that I want only the best for you.

This is why I created the podcast.

Listen to the first 50+ episodes… no ads anywhere and I’m not pushing any product or service. That was by choice.

It’s why I created a movie. That definitely did not make me rich but I showed exactly what it is like trying to run a business while traveling.

I don’t have all the answers.

I bring on people I trust to share what works for them.



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Keep taking those Actions and destroy those Limits.

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