In this lesson, we’re now getting specific.

From the last lesson we learned that when we have chosen the ego mind, the meaning we give what our eyes see will always be some form of lack and fear.

But when we change to the mind of spirit, we no longer judge what we see and instead experience the peaceful oneness in everything.

This lesson uses the example of a table and teaches us that when we say “above all else I want to see this table differently” that we are “making a commitment to withdraw our preconceived ideas about the table, and open our mind to what it is, and what it is for.”

In the course words, we are “letting its purpose [the purpose of the table] be revealed to us, instead of placing our own judgment upon it.”

And that’s what true seeing is all about. Stepping out of the mind of judgment and letting the infinite oneness of everything reveal itself to us.

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