As we’ve discussed before, seeing in the course is not what our eyes see. Rather, it’s the meaning we give what our eyes see - and what our ears hear, and what all our other senses inform us about.

And the meaning we give things is based on which teacher we’ve chosen in our mind: ego or spirit. We’re always choosing one or the other.

The ego will always judge and give everything a meaning from the perspective of lack. Is what my eyes are seeing (for instance) helpful or harmful to me? If helpful, I’ll call it good, otherwise, I’ll judge it another way. There is no ambivalence from the ego because it is always judging.

Conversely, from spirit, there is no judgment. None whatsoever. And without judgment, we can’t experience any differences between anyone or anything. And that we can experience is the love that unites everything.

That’s why A Course in Miracles says “all things I think I see reflect ideas”.

The ideas that are reflected are the ideas contained within the mind we’ve chosen.

What ideas are in the ego mind? Sin, guilt, fear, lack, separation, and pain. And that’s exactly what we experience when we choose the ego.

What ideas are in the mind of spirit? Only love. Without exception.

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