The Course is teaching us that what our eyes see isn’t true seeing. In fact, our eyes see what our ego mind instructs them to see.

True seeing is when we choose against the ego and for the mind of spirit.

When we do that, then our seeing completely changes - but not in the way we might think.

When the course talks about seeing - it isn’t the physical images we see. Rather, it’s the meaning we give whatever our senses sense.

So, seeing from the right mind means that our eyes still see what is around us, but we no longer judge anything we see. Instead, we experience a oneness that unites everything. No differences that matter concern us. And we are filled with a peace that truly surpasses understand.

So this lesson is asking us to practice repeating that idea (“above all else I want to see”) - and to pay attention to how often we remember. When we forget, it isn’t because we got sidetracked. Rather, we got sidetracked because we got fearful and chose the ego mind.

And then we simply try again.

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