A great technique for starting the morning is to decide for a happy day.

When I first heard of this concept many years ago, I thought it was silly. “What do you mean, decide for a happy day? How do you decide something like that?”

My confusion was due to the belief that the quality of my day had less to do with me and much more to do with what was going on around me. If circumstances went the way I wanted, then I would be happy. Otherwise I would be disappointed, frustrated, angry, sad, or whatever.

But when I came to realize that happiness is a choice, not a consequence - then my life changed.

The choice for happiness is within. But it’s not some woo woo, self-delusional, positive-vibe mantra. No amount of words we chant to ourselves will make us happy.

Rather, it’s the choice to no longer side with our ego mind. Which in practice looks like seeing everyone the same. Recognizing there are no meaningful differences between any of us. No exclusions.

I love this passage from A Course in Miracles: “Your judgment has been lifted from the world by your decision for a happy day.”

Letting go of judgment - of ourselves and everyone else - and seeing the love that unites everything is the choice for a happy day.

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