This lesson is teaching us that by having attack thoughts - which we’ll discuss in a moment - but having attack thoughts is what makes us vulnerable.

And what is an attack thought?

Not just a thought of negativity toward another person. An attack thought is any thought that is not filled with peace. So when we’re concerned about something. Or when we’re afraid of something. Or sad. Those are all attack thoughts.

This lesson is also teaching us is that our non-peaceful thoughts always attack ourselves first. Because by having any such thoughts we are “proving” that we are vulnerable.

If we understood our true nature as spirit - which is completely invulnerable - then we could never have any attack thoughts.

These lines from this lesson help clarify: “Nothing except your thoughts can attack you. Nothing except your thoughts can make you think you are vulnerable.”

And that’s why we learned in Lesson 23 that by giving up our attack thoughts we can escape from all pain and suffering.

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