Hi, Thanks for watching our video about The Number One Thing You Should Be Doing With Your Leads

The Goal:
To be active all day long by prospecting to the fullest ability and leveraging all your resources.

The why:
A lot can change in someone's life and if everyone just calls 1 time then how will you build the competitive advantage? You have to call multiple times, voicemail with energy and creativity, text multiple times with creativity and energy, and do the same for the email..
Humans change every single day so if someone does not want to do something right now, it's our job and duty to find out why and speak to them when they're in the right mental state.
If you want to make sure you leave no meat on the bone when prospecting, then prospect like a true hunter.. Land, air, and sea. Call, voicemail, text, email in the morning, then do a different message in the afternoon, and do a final message in the evening.. You will find that people respond back to you on the second and third times more than the first.

Get your team together or yourself if you're an individual and think of creating voicemail, text, email, that will get someone to respond to you. Then think of two more that are different for the afternoon and evening in case they don't respond to the first or second..
Every lead needs to be called, texted, emailed and left with customized messaging that you make
Follow up leads and new leads should have different scripting

Create with your team creative voicemail, text, and email script for the day for 3 rounds - be creative, reach out to me if you need help.
Get your lead assignment and load up a customized list to dial today
Record your new voicemail for the morning, afternoon, and evening
Have your texts and email scripts for the morning, afternoon, and evening ready to go so you can copy paste them and work effectively.

Schedule in the morning - Execute on text, email, voicemail to your whole pipeline = new leads and old leads
Lunch - Follow up with your pipeline and get lunch
Afternoon - Call  leads again and execute on the voicemail, email, and  text round 2
Evening- Call  leads again and execute on the voicemail, email, and  text round 3
Leader does activity checks so we make sure this gets done and confirms execution in the morning, afternoon, and evening
The result….

If you or your team runs this exercise fully you will get double the responses you typically get on average which will lead to more sales and more results.
The whole point is to get more action going throughout your day.


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