This is a great 5 minute meditation from Tony Robbins that got Acez started on meditating. It can be used for relaxation, stress, focus, happiness, peace, gratitude, etc. For everything. 
For beginners its a great way to start. 
And for pros its a good meditation to come back too. 
1. Think about something that bothers you from a scale 1 - 10 past a 6 or 7... go deep into this experience and how it makes you feel. 
2. Feel the heart beat and be grateful for your heart. 
3. Think of 3 experiences which you are grateful for, step into each experience one by one, how did you feel? who was there? what were you wearing? what did you smell? what happened? 
4. Step into second experience and third experience the same way. 
5. Think about 1 experience that was a coincidence that led you to something great. go deep into this experience. 
6. Go back to the problem that was bothering you in the beginning, and with both hands on heart say all I need to focus on is _________, all I need to do is ___________, all I need to believe is __________ let your heart and gut tell you the answer. 
7. Did you get the answer?
8. The heart always leads you to the right answer. 

Meditation by Tony Robbins meditation youtube video
Music - by youtube meditation music 

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