Three Keys to Build Relationships in Sales
Likeability and relationships in sales is the end all, be all.
Likeability starts in the first few minutes of a interaction but its built there on after.
Here are a few factors that matter:
1. Active Listening – Are you only looking to speak and think of the next thing you’re going to say to get you closer to the sale, or do you actually stop and listen to what someone is saying. If you actively listen you will hear so many cues to how someone is feeling and what they truly need.
2. Digging Deep – Most sales people are surface level and the majority have for the most part a similar conversation. It is the great sales people that ask GREAT questions and go 3 layers deep on those questions. The truth is always discovered in the third layer, you can only get to the truth and the emotions by digging deeper into something until you reach the gold or the emotion or the truth. Once you have the truth you can truly help like a professional.
3. Sharing Stories and Getting Stories – For every two stories you gather, you should share 1 about yourself. This will keep the relationship strong and content flowing from both sides. The more you know about someone the more you can help and the more stories you share, the more they get a insight for who you really are behind the sale.
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