The entrepreneur with “the drive and the fire to make a difference” (Steve Wozniak) and the author of Doing the Impossible guides you through a series of questions that help you identify your deepest why—the root cause of your issue—and stay focused to calmly and effectively make decisive and impactful decisions to move you closer to your ultimate business goals.

Behind every entrepreneurial success is a constant process of addressing issues, not just solving problems. If you address issues correctly, you can prevent problems before they arise.

In Solve for X, Patrick Bet-David outlines a four-step process for identifying your deepest why—or the root cause of your issue—which will dictate the future of all of your business actions:

First, you must qualify the issue: Is it a problem? Is it an opportunity? Issues need to be specific, bounded, and finite.

Second, you must identify the issue: What is giving rise to this issue? What happened for this to be an issue in the first place? You should name as many reasons as you can think of until you exhaust the reasonable possibilities of the possible causes underpinning the issue.

Third, you must quantify the issue: Once you identify what’s causing the issue, determine which causes are the most important. Strip away all of the possible causes you have little or no control over. Eliminate all but the top three causes.

Finally solve for why: Once you’ve identified the three top causes, take each cause, and start asking “Why?” When you get to the place where you can’t logically ask this question anymore, you will find your deepest why and the real cause of your problem.

Solve for X is an essential resource for helping aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs stay focused on the important methods, make their best decisions, and discover their true potential

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