Day 1 of #AcezMiracleMorningChallenge - Where I do the Miracle morning everyday for 2021 and give you a pro tip to get you started as well!

Today's Pro Tip was on mind states. 

Life is a game played on 5 inches between your ears. 

You have a positive mental state and you have a negative mental state. 

Which one do you choose to live in?

If you're not excited to wake up this morning, or go to work, or do chores, etc. that most likely connects to you being negative doing much more things. 

But Vice Versa, if you are positive waking up today, positive going to work, positive doing chores, you are most likely a positive person all the way around. 

Small things connect to more small things, and more small things connect to big things. 

Choose to live in a positive mental state all the time. 

Tag someone who needs to hear this or who lives this already!

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