Abundant Babes: a podcast for the visionary artwork

Abundant Babes: a podcast for the visionary

195 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 33 ratings

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7 // Abundance Vortex: Amplify your intentions

November 26, 2018 06:58 - 22 minutes - 30.3 MB

7 // Amplify your intentions SAYYYY WHHHHHAT, it's the FINAL episode! As you move forward from this 7 series, I want to see you amplifying your energy field and REALLY allowing the abundance that is meant to you to continue to flow. One of the ways we do this, is by rewiring belief patterns that may have previously held us back, with, yes, affirmations - those positive statements you tell yourself that seem super cheesy and often made fun of in Hollywood movies 😂 they actually WORK. They al...

6 // Abundance Vortex: Expand your consciousness

November 26, 2018 06:57 - 13 minutes - 18.2 MB

6 // Expand your consciousness We each hold a "blueprint" of unlimited abundance, however through conditioning we often decrease our capacity to call in abundance. The following exercise is POWERFUL in increasing your capacity - it will benefit you even if you just do one day, but is recommend for 30. We are focusing on money today - keeping in mind (firstly, money is awesome, and secondly) that how we do one thing is how we do anything, so allowing ourselves to expand in abundance financial...

5 // Abundance Vortex: Tune into trust

November 26, 2018 06:56 - 14 minutes - 20.4 MB

5 // Tune into trust Being in a true state of abundance requires us to be in a balance of divine and inspired action, AND living from a deep state of assurance, receptivity, surrender, and trust. When we visualise or imagine things we actually begin to convince our mind that those things have already happened to us - which in turn magnetises them towards us. Moving into a state of visualisation allows you to imagine what it will be like to live a TRULY abundant lifestyle, and all the goodnes...

4 // Abundance Vortex: Celebrating abundance

November 26, 2018 06:55 - 19 minutes - 26.8 MB

4 // Celebrating abundance What we track, grows, what we focus on expands. So we've spent some time diving into tuning into the feeling of abundance, upping our vibe, and creating space for it to come into our lives - now let's talk about getting super present with how you experience abundance daily. Abundance is your birthright. You are worthy of feeling abundant in every area of your life. Just sometimes in life we forget this truth. We get out of whack. We need a reminder that penetrates...

3 // Abundance Vortex: Create space

November 26, 2018 06:54 - 16 minutes - 22.9 MB

3 // Create space If there is something we WANT, we have to FIRST make room for it... hence today's theme of "creating space." Yes, you already know where I am heading with this one... time to DECLUTTER something. Imagine this (super weird) analogy for a moment - you had a sock full of random rocks... okay that's weird... you had a BAG full of random rocks. Yeah they might have been your rocks since you were a kid, and an old friend gave you one, but essentially they're just rocks. You are a...

2 // Abundance Vortex: Align with gratitude

November 26, 2018 06:53 - 13 minutes - 18.8 MB

2 // Align with gratitude I'm sure you've heard the quote "Gratitude is the open door to abundance" (and if not, you're welcome - it's a goodie). And this is because it's actually TRUE. We are always attracting things that match our frequency and so it is up to us to focus on how we can rise our vibe as frequently as often. GRATITUDE is SO high vibe, it basically allows us to hack out vibrational state and vibe high AF within a matter of moments. ◎ Exercise: Spend about 10 mins making a lis...

1 // Abundance Vortex: Welcome & Attune your vibe

November 26, 2018 06:51 - 20 minutes - 27.7 MB

◦ STEP INTO THE ABUNDANCE VORTEX ◦ From scarcity to abundance Woooooweeeeee if that’s got you all tingling with excitement, I’ve got good news, because this 7 episode podcast series is 100% free of charge - the only investment is of your 111% commitment to fully allowing yourself to step into the abundance vortex. This is not just a listen and learn series - this is a get-into-action-and-make-things-happen series. This means every episode I will be sharing tips with you on how to align yours...

#38 Utilising your chakras for alignment, healing, and up-level – with Sarah Birney

November 21, 2018 00:13 - 48 minutes - 66.6 MB

Sarah Birney is a sacred space holder, a healer and transformation facilitator. With a background in yoga, massage, nutrition and energy work she has worked for over 12 years in the healing realm. Sarah's main focus is using the energy of our chakra system to help her clients heal, transform and step into their true potential. In this episode we talk about: How as children we often already know part of your purpose [2:33] You can be spiritual and a badass boss babe at the same time [4:...

#37 Intuition, authenticity, and coming back to who you are – with Brittney Carmichael

November 14, 2018 09:18 - 45 minutes - 61.8 MB

Brittney Carmichael joins us on the show this week where we talk intuition, authenticity, and coming back to yourself.Brit is a trailblazing lightworker, psychic medium, hairstylist, empowerment coach for female entrepreneurs, and she’s 99% unicorn! During the podcast we talk about: How a shift in perception can change your life Being the "odd one out" Coming back to yourself Authentically being yourself Developing intuition Near death experience Witnessing miracles Apprecia...

#36 Self-sabotage & focusing on your desires – with Alexandra Covucci

November 06, 2018 17:44 - 54 minutes - 74.4 MB

I'm sure we have all been through the experience of desiring success, to pursue our goals, or to work on something meaning - only to be met with self-inflicted challenges like doubt, procrastination, or other "self-sabotage" effects. This week on the show, Alexandra Covucci and I dive into understanding ourselves and our mind a little deeper. We discuss: Succeeding outwardly while feeling inwardly fulfilled How escaping your environment won't heal inward misery How self-sabotage is ac...

#35 It ain’t about not having the money!

October 30, 2018 14:53 - 28 minutes - 38.5 MB

If you have ever used ANY of the following statements, you and money need some relationship counselling! I can't afford that! I don't have the money It's too expensive I wish I had the money I don't want money Rich people are greedy ...or anything similar. In this episode I talk about why not having money is total BS, and how to tune into the energy of attracting more of it. I talk about: Where money comes from What the energy of money is How you actually DO have money ...

#34 How relationships, business, and sex are related – with Olivia Seline

October 23, 2018 14:48 - 56 minutes - 78.2 MB

This episode contains a juicy cluster of many divine topics centred around the divine feminine and divine masculine energies, and how they relate to relationships, sex, and business. Olivia Seline, this weeks guest, is a business coach for entrepreneurial women desiring to upgrade their business to the next level while also reigniting the passion in their relationship. She believes that you can have the badass bank account AND the badass relationship - and that sacrifice doesn’t have to be a...

#33 Hard work vs. aligned work, and celebrating your success – with Autumn Bensette

October 16, 2018 19:29 - 1 hour - 88.3 MB

If you've ever felt like you HAVE to work hard, like 3am-bedtimes and phone-at-dinner-answering-questions hard-work, you gotta get a load of Autumn Bensette's story on this weeks podcast episode. Autumn is an intuitive life and business coach for the driven, bold & spiritually charged up network marketer and online entrepreneur. She helps these badass women to build multiple revenue streams and shift into 5K+ month’s through strategy, creating massive clarity and leveling up the woman she is...

#32 Rewire subconscious sabotage to success – cuppa with Jen Casey

October 09, 2018 13:11 - 53 minutes - 74 MB

We often think success is purely based on our actions, thoughts, and emotions we project on a daily basis. Although this is true to some extent, our subconscious mind really rules the show. In fact, while we are kids we create specific program about how the world is that can impact us forever, unless we decide to personally develop and shift that thinking. Techniques like NLP really help and can shift things for us FAST. So I thought I would be epic to invite the lovely Jen Casey on the show...

#31 Some truths of entrepreneurship

October 02, 2018 15:42 - 24 minutes - 33.4 MB

Todays episode was inspired by a post I did on social media a while ago, which reads a follows. If you want to live your dream life, there are some realities you must face. ⁣ ⁣ 🌸 You gotta motivate yourself. No one outside of you can give you the drive that’s needed to succeed. And by succeed I mean living a life that lights you the eff up. While we’re on that note, ⁣ ⁣ 🌸 The level of fulfilment you feel is proportional to the amount of inner work your willing to do. And it’s probably the har...

#30 Love Alchemy – cuppa with Dr Rachel

September 25, 2018 16:16 - 53 minutes - 73.9 MB

This week I am joined on the show (with a whole new look - do you dig it?!) by Dr Rachel - and we talk about LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS. Dr. Rachel is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Love Alchemist, Conscious Communication Expert, and Relationship Mentor. She has been supporting people for over a decade to delve deep to discover what it takes to heal and reveal their true selves. In addition to years of academic and clinical training she explores eastern and spiritual approaches to healing, in...

#29 Manifestation Mastery: You are already a powerful manifestor

September 18, 2018 21:08 - 26 minutes - 36.2 MB

HAPPY MANIFESTATION MASTERY WEEK! [We begin in less than 48 hours - ahhh!] It's been super interesting this past week and a bit seeing all the stories of manifestation come out of the woodwork as I have been prepping for the program starting at the end of the week. One of the big themes that kept coming up, is this reminder that you are already a powerful manifestor. Now I'm not telling you this because I want to sell you OUT of the idea of my manifestation program... cause, like, if you'...

#28 Mind over money – cuppa with Christine Lane

September 11, 2018 19:50 - 57 minutes - 78.4 MB

This episode talk about one of my FAVE topics, money. We've covered the topic of money and abundance on the show before, but this week I brought on financial coach Christine Lane (Mind over Money) to talk us through the more practical aspects of money. I love Christine's approach because she utilises both her masters in psychology and her years of work in the corporate financial world to offer an insight into how we can shift our relationship with finances and cultivate a positive relationshi...

#27 Yes, I feel doubts, fears, and have limiting beliefs too

September 05, 2018 14:13 - 33 minutes - 45.6 MB

This past week I have been called to majorly upgrade and level up in my life (yes again, it happens FAST when you're living and thriving in the Abundance Vortex*). The interesting thing about this was as I was experiencing all of the growth symptoms, I had some good insights into how they are really just indicators of where we are levelling up. For me right now, that is in the area of VALUE. As I move through practically applying this into my business and work, there will be lots of excitin...

#26 The beauty of surrender (and wtf that actually means)

August 28, 2018 20:21 - 39 minutes - 54.7 MB

Abundant Babe, I am so excited to be checking in with you again, especially now that I am a little more settled in Berlin. The journey of selling all of my things to travel the world and moving countries with only carry-on, has been (in my perspective) a beautiful one... it flowed, things worked out better than expected, we had fun, and I'm as happy as bat with a banana (for reference, they're very happy, see for yourself here). However, none of this would have been as easy if it wasn't for t...

#25 Finding yourself amongst the expectations of others – cuppa with Patchouli Brinkman

August 22, 2018 08:05 - 54 minutes - 75.4 MB

Finding yourself amongst the expectations of others and our society is a challenge I have seen soooo many people go through, including myself.One of my really amazing friends, who has been one of my business partners and has always been an incredible encourager of mine, Patchouli Brinkman, joins me this week.Patchouli authentically shares how she found and embraced her identity while being a wife, mum of four, and running two online businesses. Her story is encouraging and interesting.Get in ...

#24 Getting PERSONAL – hear more about who I REALLY am in this double interview where Jessica Reid & I Q&A our partners

August 14, 2018 15:15 - 48 minutes - 66.2 MB

In this episode we get PERSONAL, and give you a little insight into who I am behind closed doors. So here is the story. While I was in California I had a sleepover with the incredible Jessica Reid, who is a global clairvoyant who guides #SpiritGirls to utilise their intuition - and also one of my besties. She is also the host of the Spirit Girls podcast, and as we hung out together we had a great idea to give you, our listener, a better idea of who we are on a personal level. So we rounded ...

#23 The duality of masculine and feminine energies in business – cuppa with Laura Milne & Betsy Milne

August 07, 2018 16:48 - 50 minutes - 69.1 MB

Tapping in the divine masculine and feminine energies - that are within ALL of us - may be the key you need to take your past your current blockages. This weeks episode highlights exactly this - and how it isn't just a battle between masculine and feminine, but rather the difference between and their wounded and divine counterparts.Laura Milne and Betsy Milne (not related, or married, just business partners with the same surname - founders of Luscious Hustle) are two mega boss babes who, ...

#22 The power of Breathwork – cuppa with Shannon Rose

July 31, 2018 12:00 - 44 minutes - 61.6 MB

"The mind and the breath are the king and queen of human consciousness." - Leonard D. Orr No, it's not just about pranayama and the thought of taking deep breaths - it is actually a transformative process. And this week on the episode, we have an expert on the topic.Shannon Rose is a Breathwork Facilitator trained with Breath of Bliss from Aotearoa with a passion for using conscious breathing, ecstatic movement and sound, to shift from fear to freedom. In her breathwork ceremonies she foc...

#21 Becoming your own superhero: Manifestation technique – cuppa with Seana Ann

July 24, 2018 13:10 - 48 minutes - 66 MB

At any moment in time you can choose to embody and manifest the life and business that is meant for you. Seana Ann is a perfect example of this - a small town girl (from Minnesota to be exact) with huge goals that went from spending the majority of her life in a cubicle with florescent lights to completely changing her life and now being a Wild & Free Business Coach #wow #goals. During this episode we talk about how developing your own superhero can take you from where you are now, to manif...

#20 What every perfectionist needs to hear

July 17, 2018 22:00 - 18 minutes - 25.8 MB

Perfectionists. It's time we have a serious talk. I understand that you CARE so much about your goals, your project, or your business that you want to get everything JUST right. But if you were to be SUPER honest about it (and I'm talking like - confronting your truth kind of honesty) - is it more about procrastination than it is about perfection? Being totally blunt (in a loving way) perfectionism is really just a cop out from taking that leap of faith you NEED in order to start living you...

#19 Forget your work life balance

July 10, 2018 12:07 - 28 minutes - 38.7 MB

We've all been told before the utter importance of creating a work life balance. Well you know what, I call BS on that. What the eff even IS a work life balance? Like do you evenly divide the hours of the day between all the things you need to do and then evenly distribute it? So like... sleep, work, self care, kids, partner, friends, down time, growth time.... okay we're already down to 3 hours per task and we haven't even SHOWERED yet. Like, how much pressure is having a work-life balance?...

#18 You’re an average of the 5 people you spend the most time with

July 03, 2018 13:11 - 20 minutes - 27.7 MB

One of the common themes I see, and have personally gone through, is how to stay positive and in a growth state when the people around you aren't necessarily the most high vibe people you could picture. I get it. We all have those family members, friends, neighbours... who aren't always the most encouraging when we tell them our big audacious goals. And you know what, that's life. At the end of the day you still get to choose how you handle the situation, and in this episode I talk you thr...

#17 The REAL DEAL with the LOA – cuppa with Jacqui Sive

June 26, 2018 12:13 - 58 minutes - 80.3 MB

So what's the REAL DEAL with the Law of Attraction you may ask?Am I meant to sit on a coach and visualise things coming to me and then BAM #InstantSuccess?!Well, actually... that's part of it but it's not the whole deal.In this episode of the Abundant Babes podcast, the AMAZING Jacqui Sive (Mindset & Manifestation coach) shares how to understand the Law Of Attraction and utilising the different layers of manifestation.It is GOLD. Jacqui is full of life and energy and was the MOST fun to chat ...

#16 How your energy interacts with the world – Human Design

June 19, 2018 11:57 - 29 minutes - 40.1 MB

What if I told you how your energy interacts with the world and how you receive intuition is not actually a mystery.In fact, it's written in your design.Specifically, your human design. Human Design is a snapshot at how your energy interacts with the world, how you best make decisions, your conscious and subconscious traits, the energies that are on your side for your life purpose, and soooo much more epic stuff.For me, I have learnt...I am here to provoke people... in a loving way. I am here...

#15 Love yourself Sober – cuppa with Libby Wallace

June 12, 2018 12:20 - 51 minutes - 70.9 MB

Who really are you?How do you have fun? What is it like to truly connect with others? Do you allow yourself to let go and enjoy yourself? And can you do it all sober?As many of you who haven't followed my journey know I am what's known as a teetotaller (one who chooses tea over alcohol - lol), and have been sober for 894 days now! It was a decision I made as a part of my ever evolving health journey back in 2016. As the universe would have it, around the same time a party-girl I did not yet k...

#14 Attract abundance from a place of pleasure – cuppa with Aislinn Walton

June 05, 2018 14:16 - 1 hour - 84.8 MB

Let's talk about attracting abundance from a place of pleasure. After all, when we experience pleasure we tap into an energy and vibration that attracts only the best to us. We are meant to experience pleasure in all things we doing, finding fun, joy and abundance along the way. On today's episode, I spoke with the INCREDIBLE babe, Aislinn Walton, who is a High Level Coach for Visionary Soulpreneurs and an expert of experiencing abundance from a place of pleasure. It was so awesome getting s...

#13 Aligning your Chakras – cuppa with Hannah Joy

May 29, 2018 12:07 - 54 minutes - 75.4 MB

Let's talk about aligning your Chakras. For those of you that haven't heard of the chakras before, they are like energy centres within the body. They each connect with different aspects of our physical body, as well as relate energetically to many aspects of our world. This includes things like fun, pleasure, abundance, safety, love, connection, communication, etc. Hannah Joy is a Spirit Conduit & Intuitive Healing Coach, and joins me on the podcast this week to talk about each of the chakra...

#12 Defining success on your own terms – cuppa with Tanya Carr-Smith

May 22, 2018 12:01 - 50 minutes - 69.5 MB

What is your definition of success? No YOUR definition? With no one else's input. Just straight up, authentically - what do you define success to be. On our journey in life, many people fall into the trap of thinking their goals are actually their own... you know the good grades, the education, job, marriage, house, kids... retire 40 years later... But if you're being 100% honest with yourself, does that really set a fire in your soul and fully excite you? We are seeing so many people impac...

#11 Managing energy + the big 3 in goal setting – cuppa with Christa Realba

May 15, 2018 12:00 - 54 minutes - 74.5 MB

One of the biggest issues I feel 21st century entrepreneurs face is how to effectively manage their energy so they show up as their best selves in every area of life.You know, the entrepreneur, partner/wife/girlfriend, best friend, acquaintance, animal Mom, actual Mom, social media guru, mentor, coaching, marketer, professional tea drinker... you name it! Showing up as your best self in all areas requires you to know how to manage your energy. Seriously.When I look around at people who are ac...

#10 My story. Raw. Vulnerable. Open. And kinda of hoping no one listens to this episode!

May 08, 2018 12:48 - 40 minutes - 55.8 MB

Eeek, friends... I have all the feels with this episode. I share my story, and I don't know why that feels so scary.I thought episode 10 would be a great time so share a little more about my story with you all, so I opened up about my childhood to around the time I started my business 6 years ago.I share how my family moved around so much and how many schools I went to. And I shared how my Dad's illness caused deep emotional hurt that I didn't know how to process. I unintentionally got real, ...

#9 Stepping into Soul Purpose & using the Law of Attraction effectively – cuppa with Jessica Ellen

May 01, 2018 13:11 - 49 minutes - 91.3 MB

"The Secret" kind of forgot to tell us 2 secrets to make the Law of Attraction actually work! Yes, of course, they can only fit so much info into a book, and it's a great starting point, however, there is so much more to it. Law of Attraction expert, Jessica Ellen, joins me in this podcast episode to chat more how to make sure you are utilising the LOA to the best of your ability. She also spends time sharing her story of stepping into your soul purpose, which offers incredible value for anyo...

#8 Up-levelling through self care and the You Economy – cuppa with Stephanie Packer

April 24, 2018 12:00 - 1 hour - 113 MB

I'm sure you've heard it before.Self care is not selfish.In fact, it's one of the most selfless things you can.For the boss babes out there who are in, or thinking of stepping into, the You Economy and entrepreneurship, you HAVE to hear this. Before you spend years hustling and burning yourself out, listen to self care maven and business mogul Stephanie Packer share how to have it all by "doing" less.Stephanie is one of my besties and an incredible inspiration to me. She's the founder of Lusc...

#7 Tuning into your Abundance Blueprint – cuppa with Jessica Reid

April 17, 2018 12:09 - 1 hour - 134 MB

You are born with an Abundance Blueprint. Any goals and desires you have in your life are possible for you, and all of the tools will be present to you as you tap into your own abundance blueprint. This week I had the pleasure of recording a conversation with my soul sister Jessica Reid, who is a Global Clairvoyant, Channel, and Purpose Fulfillment Coach. We dove into the more spiritual aspects of our purpose, passions, and creating a loving a fun relationship with money. Here are some more...

#6 Manifesting effortlessly and understanding our conditioning

April 10, 2018 23:13 - 34 minutes - 62.9 MB

This week you have yours truly on episode 006 of the podcast chatting about manifesting and conditioning.#JuicyStuffI recently manifested a creative vacay for my hubby and I and it got me thinking about what an incredible manifestor I am. And truth be told, it hasn't always been that way. I used to struggle with even the idea of manifesting, and didn't see many results from my efforts.During the years I have learned so many valuable lessons, starting with understanding why we are conditioned ...

#5 Stop settling and leap Into The Wild – Cuppa with Freya Blesinger

April 03, 2018 12:11 - 55 minutes - 101 MB

Have you ever felt that deep feeling of emptiness? Like everything in your life is going well but for some reason you still feel unfulfilled? Wondering what fulfillment even feels like, and if there is supposed to be more to life. Yeah, me too, and so has Freya Blesinger. From "success" in a marketing career to throwing it all in to travel the world and start her own coaching business, Freya knew this feeling all too well. She had success, but craved fulfillment. Freya and I met in India a y...

#4 She who leads herself: from bankruptcy to aligned + wealthy #AlphaFemme – cuppa with Melanie Ann Layer

March 27, 2018 11:20 - 56 minutes - 103 MB

From living in her car filing bankruptcy, to aligned, wealthy and successful! Melanie Ann Layer is a Location Independent Entrepreneur, High Performance Lifestyle coach & Luxury Brand Business Coach. Her story of bankruptcy to aligned + wealthy and living a live of freedom is so profoundly incredible, and comes from such a heart centered and loving perspective. During this interview we talk about the power of really being and knowing gratitude, and the strength t...

#3 Trust, Flow, Soul Stamina, Soul Currency + Abundance – Cuppa with Kowhai Dalton

March 20, 2018 12:01 - 50 minutes - 91.9 MB

Today we have the honour of sharing a cuppa tea with the gorgeous and MAGNIFICENT, Kowhai Dalton. Kowhai mentors Spiritual Revolutionists + Entrepreneurs who are ready to serve with limitless grace. Our conversation was magical, we spoke about how to create more flow in your life, how to trust in your intuition and guidance from God, soul stamina, soul currency, and (of course) ABUNDANCE! I also got the chance to have a brief intro into archetypes from here which is SUPER interesting! We k...

#2 All the stars will line up for you, TRUST US! Cuppa with Astro Coach Tiffani Purdy

March 13, 2018 19:18 - 51 minutes - 94.9 MB

Some of you know I recently did an astrology course because I am obsessed with understanding all of the wonder in our universe. This was inspired by one of the people I am obsessively following online. The one, the ONLY, Tiffani Purdy - Astro Coach and total badass boss babe at life. We had a free flowing conversation about creating joy and abundance in all areas of life, and we literally share SO many nuggets of wisdom amongst our conversation. APPLY THESE TIPS BABES, and you will for sure ...

#1: Have you decided you’re worthy of success? CELEBRATE THE PODCAST LAUNCH WITH ME!

March 07, 2018 01:17 - 19 minutes - 36.4 MB

ABUNDANT BABES!!!! CAN I GET A HECK-FRICKIN-YEAHHHHHHHHHH! CELEBRATE THIS MOMENT WITH ME! Abundant Babes: a podcast for the visionary is now LIVE! Why did I create this podcast? I am a HUGE fan of Audiobooks, Podcasts, and anything where we can LEVERAGE our time. I'm talking leveling-up-growth-breakthrough kinda shit while vacuuming your house, one the bus, or out for a morning run! Yeah babe, you know those times when your hands are busy, but your mind is free. THOSE are the moment to pop ...

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