Miata and Kristine sift through the emotions that get churned up around money and discuss the rewards of facing our fears.   Miata shares how she shifted from a Pain Cycle to a Power Cycle once she looked her $82,000 of debt straight in the eye, and Kristine backs up her declaration that "clarity is only for the brave."   Full show notes and more info here: https://abundancebound.com/the-podcast/

Miata and Kristine sift through the emotions that get churned up around money and discuss the rewards of facing our fears.   Miata shares how she shifted from a Pain Cycle to a Power Cycle once she looked her $82,000 of debt straight in the eye, and Kristine backs up her declaration that "clarity is only for the brave."   Full show notes and more info here: https://abundancebound.com/the-podcast/