Miata and Kristine chat about how creating intentionally healthy partnerships can increase your abundance – because partners are the ones who help you stretch, encourage you to stretch, and point out when you are resisting stretching.   Miata shares the origin story of one of her oldest partnerships (and why she remembers it to this day!) and Kristine explores the distinctions between a partner and a guide.   Full show notes and more info here: https://abundancebound.com/the-podcast/

Miata and Kristine chat about how creating intentionally healthy partnerships can increase your abundance – because partners are the ones who help you stretch, encourage you to stretch, and point out when you are resisting stretching.   Miata shares the origin story of one of her oldest partnerships (and why she remembers it to this day!) and Kristine explores the distinctions between a partner and a guide.   Full show notes and more info here: https://abundancebound.com/the-podcast/