Miata and Kristine compare their own (and very different) relationships with play and they each share stories they had to unwind from in order to incorporate more joyful recreation into their schedules.   Can you generate wealth without play? Yes. Can you experience "success" without play? Certainly. Can you create the texture of a truly abundant life without play? Glad you asked...   Full show notes and more info here: https://abundancebound.com/the-podcast/

Miata and Kristine compare their own (and very different) relationships with play and they each share stories they had to unwind from in order to incorporate more joyful recreation into their schedules.   Can you generate wealth without play? Yes. Can you experience "success" without play? Certainly. Can you create the texture of a truly abundant life without play? Glad you asked...   Full show notes and more info here: https://abundancebound.com/the-podcast/