Today we’re going to talk about entrepreneurial resiliency.

Entrepreneurial resiliency basically means you, as an entrepreneur, as someone who wants to create your own income, you are cultivating resiliencey – you are cultivating the ability to pick yourself up after you “fail,” dust yourself off, learn what you can from the experience and get back in the ring.

One of my mastermind members, Rachael Ferrera, has courageously and generously agreed to share the journey that I’ve watched her go through during the past 18 months – on multiple occasions she had to choose to become more resilient, by picking herself up, dusting herself off, processing her feelings, and continuing to put one foot in front of the other.

Rachael’s story is so compelling that it needed two episodes. This episode is part one, which covers the rocky road she had to walk to finally find her cash flow groove. And next week, episode two is about how she took what she learned from those not-quite-right ideas and attempts – to create something that was a perfect fit her and her audience.






Rachael Ferrera

