Our guest this week on the Absolutely Write podcast is Arun Cavale. Arun is an award-winning Marketing and Communications leader with over 22 years of experience driving significant demand and revenue growth across multiple markets and businesses. He currently leads marketing and strategy to launch scalable campaigns for IBM’s Cloud, Analytics and Watson AI portfolio across South East Asia.

A recipient of multiple awards and recognition for his work, Arun was listed in Forbes as one of the '50-Best Marketing & Communications leaders in Asia'; he was also awarded 'The Most Influential Global Marketing Leader 2018' by CMO Asia and the World Marketing Congress.

Arun is also a sought-after public speaker, an international Badminton player, a crypto-investor and a 100% hands-on father to his teen human daughter and a canine son.

Aditi analyses Arun's handwriting and talks about what makes him an analytical thinker, a successful leader and a resilient sportsman. Arun shares some brilliant learnings and takeways for us to keep in mind. Do tune in to this episode of Absolutely Write.

Follow him on
Twitter: @aruncavale
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aruncavale