“Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.” – Marquis de Condorcet

 How to stop comparing yourself to others? If you took the strengths of others, and compared them to your weaknesses, how do you think you’d size up? And do you think this would make you feel good?
The funny thing is, this is what most of us do at one time or another — Whether we are comparing our home size, paycheck, physical features, or any number of measurable (and even unmeasurable) things, we do it all the time.
It’s a sure-fire recipe for a drop in self-confidence and for unhappiness. It’s time we stopped.

In season 2, on our Friday episode, we will be doing a remarkable kind of journaling. Each week we will be following Aditi's signature journaling style called ‘Grapho-Journaling. Join Aditi with a new question to ponder over and follow the three step process mentioned in these episodes, which would allow you to calm your mind, bring tremendous amount of clarity, align your thoughts and help you resolve certain areas you feel stuck in. Tune in every Friday!

Episode 106 of Absolutely Write with Aditi Surana - How to stop comparing yourself to others?

You can listen to this episode on all major podcasting platforms including our website - www.aditisurana.com/podcastepisode. You can now watch the entire video of this episode on our YouTube channel - www.YouTube.com/aditisurana

Learn the popular 'flow of thoughts' a.k.a sssss graphotherapy stroke - www.aditisurana.com/calmsutra

Follow our host Aditi on Instagram: http://instagram.com/aditisurana
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aditisurana/