Ever heard of being a 'goldfish' in golf? It's not just about the short game – it's about having a memory as fleeting as a fish's! Kathy delves deep into this concept, revealing how a short memory for unfavorable shots or rounds can skyrocket your performance to new heights.

Clinging to those negative golf memories? It's time to toss them aside. Kathy explains how these memories can be the anchor weighing down your game, shattering confidence and belief in your own abilities.

But fear not, dear listener, for there's a solution!

Through captivating scenarios, this podcast paints a vivid picture of the transformative power of letting go. By releasing the grip of bad shots and banishing negative narratives, you'll unlock the true potential of your game.

So, how do you keep that positivity flowing, even when the greens get rough? Kathy offers advice: be a goldfish!

And if you are eager for more game-changing mental tips and personalized coaching, look no further than the exclusive Think Above Par Academy.

Tune in now and start thinking above par to play below your par!

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