“I knew if I didn’t do it I’d regret it.”

Sarah interviews her friend & previous mentee Rachel Fletcher who has just completed her second year studying an AfN accredited BSc Nutrition, Diet and Lifestyle degree at Sheffield Hallam University. Sarah asks Rachel:

What are you feeling really positive about this year?How has your outlook on life changed since you started your degree?Are there any skills or experiences from working in the police that you think are valuable in your life now?Have you made any changes in your lifestyle since you started to study your degree in Nutrition, Diet and Lifestyle?Do you feel now that you’re not working full time that you have more balance in your life?Is there anything that you miss from working in the police?Was it something that you always wanted to do when you were a child?When did you make the decision to leave your job as a Detective Inspector and to start your degree?How did you actually make the decision? Did you talk to people?How did your friends and family react to your change of career? (Question from Joe on Twitter)Did it matter to you what other people thought?What fears, worries or challenges have you faced along your path so far?How do you handle those fears when they come up?How are you supporting yourself financially while you’re studying?What’s it like living in Derby?Why is it that you’ve chosen to study Nutrition, Diet and Lifetsyle?Are there any modules that you’ve learnt something completely new, or that you’ve been surprised by?Do you find it challenging to choose the modules that you take for the year?What work would you most like to do after you’ve graduated?Do you know what sort of people you would like to work with?Do you know where you might like to set up your business?Where do you think people can find reliable information about Nutrition, Diet and Lifestyle?What makes you feel really healthy?How do you make time for your other interests?What are some of your interests that you would like to have more time to explore?How does starting your own business sound to you now, when you’re half way through your degree?When do you completely relax?What would you like to ask people who are considering a career change?

This episode was recorded in Sheffield at Kurious Arts podcast studio on 25th February 2020. The best place to find Rachel is on Instagram where she posts tempting recipes and nutrition information along with her lovely photography. You can also read an interview with Rachel on my website.