"I feel like going on adventures myself has led me to be more adventurous within the business world as well."

Sarah interviews her friend Jon Maiden, Co-founder & CEO of Panjango. Sarah asks Jon:

Why did you decide to change your career?Have there been any fears that you've pushed yourself to face?What's it like running your own business?How do you think that careers education, information and advice can be better for people?How do you define your life and your purpose?Who do you think can have the greatest influence on helping people to find careers with meaning and purpose?Is there anyone in your life who really inspires or influences you?When do you feel that your work is really making a difference?Do you think that there's an ideal age to start thinking about careers?What happens behind the scenes of running your business?Where are you spending your time when you're not working?How has your passion for adventure influenced your career path and decisions in life?Where does your adventurous spirit come from?Why do think it's important to spend time in wild places?How do you find time for that now you're running a business?What happens to you and your work if you don't get away from it all?Is there a particular environment that you need to be in to come up with new ideas for your business?

At the end of the episode Jon asks you a question to take away and think about, as well as offering some advice and adventure inspiration!

This episode was recorded in Sheffield at Kurious Arts podcast studio on 13th February 2020. Please see link below to find out more about Panjango.

Panjango website