On today’s episode I am breaking down one of the most important things you can understand about your mind if you want to live a more positive life.   Our minds are complex things and when we don’t know how to navigate them, they literally rule your life.. HOWEVER! When we understand how they work and we choose to use that as tool in our life, we can make our mind our best friend, instead of the constant negative Nancy who lives in our head!   Remember, change comes from ACTION! Put what you hear in todays episode into place in your life, and see what shifts for you!       Links/Resources -      Follow me on Instagram: https://.instagram.com/indiavine   Get The About That Program! : This is my exact formula I used to completely heal the relationship I had with myself, learn how to navigate my own mind and use it to my advantage and to manifest my dream life into reality! This is full blown guide into the world of Personal Development and take you on your own journey of accessing your subconscious, to set you up to live a life better than you could ever imagine. Find out more: https://theaboutthatprogram.thinkific.com/