AADOM Radio & Roadside Dental Marketing Present:

Angela Byrnes & Whitney Speir 

Learning Objectives:

Discover why you should be creating videos within the practice
Find out what topics patients are actually interested in
Learn how to repurpose one video into 10 pieces of marketing content across multiple channels
Identify how to get it done efficiently and how to get the team involved

More About Angela & Whitney:

Angela Byrnes, Director of Client Services
Angela Byrnes loves practicality and efficiency and works to pair client goals with simple solutions. Before Roadside, Angela devoted 23+ years to the dental industry, leading high production at multi-doctor practices. Eventually, she honed in on her passion for practice management and consulting, and naturally gravitated toward Roadside!
In her years with Roadside, Angela has helped transcend all previous profit margins at rates her clients have never thought possible. She problem-solves intimidating challenges with interactive, easy, and rewarding action plans. Simply put, Angela loves to share her marketing knowledge, tools, and expertise to help dentists grow their practices!

Whitney Speir, Marketing Director
With more than 15 years in marketing and design, Whitney Speir excels at helping practices nationwide learn how to implement simple marketing strategies that get BIG results.
A self-described “marketing nerd” (glasses and all), Whitney is passionate about helping dental teams discover real-world strategies that can help grow their referrals, reviews, rankings, and overall revenue.

More About Roadside Dental Marketing:


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