AADOM Radio and Progressive Dental Marketing Present:

Bart Knellinger/President & CEO/Founder-Progressive Dental Marketing


Event Info:



Learning Objectives:

After networking and working with so many offices in the dental field for over 13 years, we have noticed that the treatment coordinator is the primary driving force to increasing production in the practice and ultimately meeting the dental practice’s sales goals. Learning how to do the following correctly with our help will impress the doctor and help you grow in your career! We teach this valuable information at The Closing Institute!

The Closing Institute teaches our doctors and their teams the following which we touch upon in this podcast:

The Psychology Of A Closer

How To Qualify Leads

Standardized Sales Process

How To Gain The Patient's Trust

Identifying and Overcoming Acceptance Barriers

Presenting Creative Funding Options for Cases Over $40k+

Follow-Up Strategies and Tools

Getting Unscheduled Treatment Back In The Door

Bringing Doctors and Treatment Coordinators Together

Identify the Gaps in your Treatment Planning Process

Teach You How to Bring In New Patients

Getting Unscheduled Treatments Back In the Door

Receive an Actionable Plan to Implement Within Your Practice

Provide You with Tried-and-True Methods to Increase Your Multi Implant Full-Arch Cases

Get Your Team Excited in the Role they Play About Changing People’s Lives Through Dentistry


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