Heather Colicchio is the founder and president of the American Association of Dental Office Management. Heather is passionate about small business and entrepreneurship. She is excited by visioning and building, and seeing ideas come to life, especially when these ideas empower others. One of her strengths is connecting people to achieve their individual and combined goals. Heather appreciates quality collaboration and thrives working with a talented team of professionals both inside AADOM and within the dental industry.

In this Episode, Heather talks about the Advanced Level Courses for Experienced Practice Management Professionals that will be available this year at the AADOM 14th Annual Dental Management Conference in San Antonio, TX July 19th-21st.


Here is a list of those courses:

AADOM's Train the Trainer Camp

FAADOM Fast Track

From Startup to Build Up


The Other Half of the Software Equation-Quickbooks Essentials

Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Network Participation: Is It Working for You?

A Day in the Life of a Manager

Yes!Yes!Yes! When Do We Start