AADOM Radio & Roadside Dental Marketing Present:

Dominique Farrar-Chief Marketing Officer

Learning Objectives:

Why your new patient numbers might be deceiving
Golden benchmarks that signal profit or drain
Actionable steps to supercharge your marketing game

More About Dominique:

Dominique knows the world of design and development inside out. He spent 12 adventurous years in Mexico, adding a unique twist to how he approaches marketing. But he isn’t just about ideas; he’s all about tangible results. He helps his dental clients find their ideal patients through authentic marketing strategies. As Roadside Dental Marketing’s Chief Marketing Officer, their dental clients are in good hands. They’re always ready to connect with their audiences in an authentic and effective way.

More About Roadside Dental Marketing:

What would you do if you could discover unseen ways to make money? Roadside Dental Marketing will show you exactly where you're leaving money on the table. Since 1999, they've helped over 2500+ dental practices grow, showing them how to marry marketing with their profits.


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