Healing isn’t linear, although the world is designed to embody this masculine way of living and being, Nature and Source is cyclical. Meaning, the path to getting unstuck and healing is in cycles and seasons and taking it in small steps and doses at a time. 

We are primed to adapt to change. It’s only the ego mind that keeps us stuck in spirals and staying the same, as it fears disruption of the current stress patterns and cycles.

In this episode, I share with you a myriad of ways on how to get UNSTUCK now, and create a practice of the "miracle" of healing in microdoses.

You will learn how to unravel the covert traumas (as my guest Alex Howard spoke about in Ep. 71)  + collective wounds that created the childhood and ancestral wounds you experience today.  What was created as "chronic" pain and traumas can be UNDONE through a life of shifting from the Newtonian to the Quantum, or from the limited and logical mind to the infinite 99.999999% quantum reality of consciousness.

Would love to know what ideas sparked for you, send me a DM on Instagram so I can celebrate and support you on your healing journey.

Healing in micro-moments is the secret "miracle" to help you get unstuck and finally begin to come ALIVE! 

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Instagram @mozen_wellness, click here to DM me! Would love to hear how you're experiencing this episode + the pod.

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Explore the Live Vibrant Sisterhood here - we kick off this Summer 2023! DM me for deets.

Website: https://bio.site/mozenwellness